Orange County NC Website
SECTION 8 <br />Frequency and Time of Collection <br />. lip 10 <br />Contractor shall pass each household once each week and collect materials set at the curb (or at <br />other agreed upon location in the case of a Handicap / Disabled citizen). Collection shall take place <br />no earlier than 7:00 AM and no later than 7:00 PM. <br />Holidays with no collection may be Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas <br />Day, New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, Good Friday, and Memorial Day. In case <br />of cancellation, Holiday week schedules may be shifted to have collections a day late following the <br />holiday (i.e., if holiday falls on Thursday, Thursday's collection will be on Friday, Friday's <br />collection will be on Saturday). No changes occur if the holiday falls on a weekend. Holiday <br />collection schedules are to be negotiated annually between Contractor and County. <br />For Fiscal Year 2000 -2001: <br />Contractor will not provide recycling service on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday November 23, <br />2000. Those recycling services regularly provided on Thursday will be provided on Friday <br />November 24, and services regularly provided on Friday will be provided on Saturday <br />November 251''. <br />Contractor will not provide recycling service on Christmas Day, Monday December 25, 2000. <br />Recycling is canceled for this day and there will be no make -up day scheduled. <br />Contractor will not provide recycling service on New Years Day, Monday January 1", 2001. <br />Monday routes will be collected on Tuesday 1/2/01, Tuesday routes on Wednesday 1/3/01, <br />Wednesday routes on Thursday 1/4/01, Thursday routes on Friday 115101, and Friday on <br />Saturday 1/6/01. <br />This (above) is the holiday schedule for the entire Fiscal Year, other holidays not listed will not <br />be observed during FY 2000 -2001. <br />On days where County offices are closed (due to Orange County Government holiday) and <br />Contractor is providing recycling service, County may place the Contractor's office phone <br />number (933 -9388 or 596 -1363) on its automated telephone system. This will be done in order <br />to allow the citizens of Orange County to contact Contractor directly about issues concerning <br />recycling collection and service. <br />Holiday schedules for future years will be negotiated and determined by County and Contractor. <br />SECTION 9 <br />Containers and Contents <br />The title to the Recycling Containers is with County. Title to the recyclable materials within said <br />containers is with Contractor once placed at the curb by the Resident.. <br />Contractor may prosecute any person or persons found stealing or contaminating the contents of <br />Recycling Containers. This prosecution will have full cooperation of County. <br />5 <br />