Funding Status of 1999-09 Approved Capital Projects
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<br /> Appropriation
<br /> Project Budget 1999-00 Total Project Approved by Appropriation Project Budget
<br /> Approved Appropriation Budget BOCC prior to Requested By Not Yet
<br /> Through FY 1998 (per Approved Through FY this This Appropriated
<br />Project Title 99 CIP 1999-00 amendment Amendment by BOCC Comments
<br /> Appropriations approved for
<br /> EmPOWERment, Scarlette
<br /> Drive, and Habitat for
<br />Affordable Housing $0 $900,000 $900,000 $690,000 $0 $210,000 Humanities intiatives
<br />Animal Shelter $0 $12 000 $12 000 $0 $12 000 $0 Pa e 7 of this abstract
<br /> Project expiration extended
<br />Building Safety $103,451 $0 $103,451 $103,451 $0 $0 throu h 6/30/00
<br /> Ordinance approval to
<br /> coincide with upcoming bond
<br />Chapel Hill Park Projects $0 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $0 $0 $2,000,000 sale
<br /> Project expiration extended
<br />County Communications $173,000 $0 $173,000 $173,000 $0 $0 throu h 6/30/00
<br /> Ordinance approval to
<br /> coincide with upcoming bond
<br />County Park Pro'ects $0 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $0 $0 $2,000,000 sale
<br />Court Street Annex $15 000 $115 000 $130 000 $0 $115 000 $15 000 Pa e 8 of this abstract
<br /> Project expiration extended
<br />Efland Cheeks Park $858,690 $0 $858,690 $858,690 $0 $0 throu h 6/30/00
<br /> Ordinance approval to
<br /> coincide with upcoming bond
<br />Efland Sewer Extension $100,000 $1,200,000 $1,300,000 $100,000 $0 $1,200,000 sale
<br /> Project expiration extended
<br />Emergency Generators $80,000 $0 $80,000 $80,000 $0 $0 throu h 6/30/00
<br />EMS/911 Center $0 $10 500 $10 500 $0 $10 500 $0 Pa e 9 of this abstract
<br /> Project expiration extended
<br />Energy Retrofitting $233,844 $0 $233,844 $233,844 $0 $0 through 6/30/00
<br />Environmental Resources
<br />Conservation $100 000 $150 000 $250 000 $100 000 $150 000 $0 Pa a 10 of this abstract
<br />E ui ment and Record Stora a $0 $69 575 $69 575 $0 $69 575 $0 Pa a 11 of this abstract
<br />E ui ment and Vehicles $2 680 710 $1 001 850 $3 682 560 $2 680 710 $1001 850 $0 Pa a 12 of this abstract
<br />
<br />