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at <br />2 <br />After notification of the availability of additional funds, a local working group evaluated possible <br />administration options for this program. In consideration of the time necessary to recruit, hire, and train a <br />time - limited County employee, the subsequent supervisory requirements, the need for space, and <br />considering our need for immediate grant implementation, the staff concluded that outsourcing is the <br />preferred administrative alternative. A significant consideration for staff in recommending the use of the <br />consultant is that this is a time limited project with the work to be completed on a relatively tight time <br />frame; that is, by the June 30, 2001 grant ending date. <br />Patricia Gee, the principal of Gee Associates is a former Town of Chapel Hill employee, who, in early <br />2000, became an independent consultant. Previously, in her role as Resident Services Coordinator with <br />the Town's Housing Department, she was a part of the working group that developed the TANF grant <br />application. Therefore, she is aware of goals of the grant program and has been actively involved in one of <br />the primary components of the grant program — Educational Services. As a result, she has established <br />working relationships with many of the grant program partners, and, thus, is able to immediately begin <br />program implementation. For these reasons, staff recommends approval of Gee and Associates, Inc. as the <br />professional services provider for the TANF Housing Program. <br />Attachment 3 is the draft memorandum of agreement with Gee Associates and Attachment 4 is Gee <br />Associates' proposal for services. Specifically, under this Agreement, Patricia Gee, Gee Associates, Inc. <br />President, will function as program administrator and is ultimately responsible under this agreement for <br />the completion of all contracted tasks. Major responsibilities include: <br />• Development and on -going management of major program components and needed systems for <br />communication with and reporting to County staff, tracking performance; outcomes and grant funding <br />expenditures; program documentation; <br />• Staff hire and supervision; <br />• Design and implementation of evaluation protocols and staffing of Evaluation Team; <br />• Formalize contract agreements and manage contracts for agencies funded under grant; <br />• Assure delivery of rental assistance; landlord outreach; and home ownership components of grant in <br />accordance with agency agreements with the County; <br />• Preparation of draft program reports as required by the State and County; <br />• Communication and collaboration with agency partners; and <br />• Interface with evaluation team and staff of other state grantees as necessary. <br />There is approximately $141,309 available in TANF block grant funds for project <br />administration/management. The proposed administrative contract services would be for a total cost not <br />to exceed $141,309. The attached Implementation Plan provides more details regarding overall project <br />administration. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: This enables the County to expend and receive reimbursement for an additional <br />$312,395. Staff will monitor expenditures and come forward with a budget amendment as spending <br />requires. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve the Professional <br />Services Agreement with Gee Associates, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $141,309 for overall <br />management, supervision and case management services for the Orange County TANF Housing Program; <br />and authorize the Chair to sign the Memorandum of Agreement on behalf of the Board. <br />