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3 <br />A) A rezoning is necessary to correct a manifest error. <br />Staff Comment: We believe the information in the record to date can be summarized as follows: <br />Arguments in Support: We were unable to identify any arguments in support of a manifest error. <br />Arguments in Opposition: To date, no evidence has been submitted in opposition to this <br />finding. <br />B) A rezoning is necessary because of changed or changing conditions in a particular area <br />or in the jurisdiction generally. <br />Staff Comment: We believe the information in the record thus far can be summarized as follows: <br />Arguments in Support: To date, no evidence has been submitted in support of changing <br />conditions in this area. <br />Arguments in Opposition: To date, no evidence has been submitted in opposition to changing <br />conditions in this area. <br />C) A rezoning is necessary to achieve the purposes of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />Staff Comment: We believe the information in the record thus far can be summarized as follows: <br />Arguments in Support: Arguments in support of this finding are offered in the applicant's <br />Statement of Justification. <br />From the Applicant's Statement of Justification <br />The Statement indicates that the proposed rezoning would achieve the Community Facilities <br />Goal of the 1989 Comprehensive Plan which is to provide facilities and services which meet <br />the physical, social and cultural needs of the population and which are available to all <br />residents. Solid waste collection and disposal facilities and services are includes as part of that <br />objective. Please refer to the applicant's complete Statement of Justification, provided as an <br />attachment to this memorandum. <br />The adopted 1986 Chapel Hill Land Use Plan, a component of Chapel Hill's Comprehensive <br />Plan, designates this site as "Potential Landfill Pending Further Study." Chapel Hill's <br />Comprehensive Plan includes the following policy statement: <br />