Orange County NC Website
3 <br />Attachment F — Aerial Photo of Fairview Area and Planned Building Location <br />g. Eno River Park Update <br />Design for the planned river park is basically complete. County staff have applied for grant <br />funding for park development from both the Clean Water Trust Fund and the Division of Water <br />Quality. Funding decisions are expected to be announced in March 2000. County staff have <br />investigated erosion problems in Stillhouse Creek, adjacent to the Government Services <br />Center, and will develop a restoration plan and recommendations on the County funding <br />approach for that work. <br />No attachments <br />h. Justice Facility /Downtown Hillsborough Parking Update <br />The ' Downtown Parking Committee met on January 27 to discuss the issues outlined in the <br />attached meeting notice. Pam Jones has prepared a report that reflects the status of the <br />parking discussions in the context of court and justice facilities that will be needed in the future. <br />Attachment H -1: 1128100 Status Report <br />Attachment H -2: 119100 Town Manager Memo <br />Attachment H -3: Downtown Parking Signage <br />I. Coordination of County Comprehensive Plan with Hillsborough 2010 Plans <br />The County is in the process of updating the 1981 Comprehensive Plan and will work with <br />Hillsborough to coordinate the urban growth boundaries. <br />Attachment I -1: Planning Model <br />Attachment 1 -2: `Planning Model Map <br />j. Watershed Protection in the Upper Eno <br />The County is beginning the process of researching and investigating methods to improve water <br />quality throughout the County. The Upper Eno Watershed study is an adopted county goal to <br />determine what land use and density issues can reduce sedimentation and erosion control <br />problems as well as improve and protect the primary water resources for Hillsborough and a <br />portion of the Orange Alamance water system along the Eno River. <br />Attachment J -1: County Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Map <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: None associated directly with discussion at this work session. <br />However, decisions made at subsequent meetings based on discussion of individual items <br />could have significant financial impacts which would have to be developed at a later date. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Boards discuss these topics <br />and provide appropriate direction to staff. <br />