Orange County NC Website
STATUS REPORT <br />JUSTICE FACILITIES /DOWNTOWN HILLSBOROUGH PARKING <br />Prepared by Pam Jones <br />January 28, 2000 <br />• Court campus master plan is currently underway. The plan will define how much build -out can go on <br />the site and will identify any unanticipated site limitations. The plan's anticipated completion date is <br />by the end of February, with presentation to the Board of Commissioners sometime in March 2000. <br />• The further development of the Justice Facility plans will be continued following the site investigation <br />phase. <br />• It is likely that the development of court facilities will require the construction of some type of parking <br />deck, however, in the shorter term, a Downtown Parking Committee is looking at options that may be <br />currently available. The group includes: <br />• County Commissioners: Steve Halkiotis and Barry Jacobs <br />• Town Commissioner: Ken Chavious <br />• John Link and Eric Peterson, County and Town Managers <br />• County and Town Staff: Paul Thames, Pam Jones, Chief Nathaniel Eubanks, Margaret Hauth <br />• Downtown merchant representatives: Catherine Callaway. Note: During a meeting on <br />January 27, it was suggested that an additional downtown merchant be added. Wesley <br />Woods, Dual Supply was suggested. <br />• Included as an attachment is the Downtown Parking Committee agenda for a meeting on <br />January 27 that includes a summary of the short and long -term goals of the group. <br />• As an outcome of the January 27 meeting, Eric Peterson will work through his Public Works <br />department to determine the status of the information signs as one enters the town. New signs <br />directing people to public lots owned by the County (specifically the area between the <br />Government Services Center Annex and Orange Family Medical Center on Cameron Street) and <br />the Town (specifically the area between the Police Department and the old Credit Union building <br />on Churton Street) will be installed. Hopefully, this move will advise the public of other parking <br />options that are available to them and relieve the Churton Street on- street parking that stays at <br />capacity. Specific signage locations as suggested by a sub -set of the parking committee are <br />attached as well. <br />