Orange County NC Website
This is probably not a 1 to 1 ratio as often students with special needs require much smaller class <br />sizes. If we were to do this, it works against the balance we are trying to achieve. How does <br />Pre-K space needs compete against providing special classrooms (music, art, foreign language) <br />for K-5 students? If our Pre-K needs require an additional classroom what changes should be <br />made to accommodate this? Should special classes be designated as mobile (on a cart) and if so, <br />what types of classes would be recommended for this and in what order? As our K-5 population <br />continues to grow and with the delay in Elementary #11, we will need to look for additional <br />classroom space for K-5 students as well. All of this points to the reality of crowding concerns <br />within our schools both currently and more so in the immediate future. <br />