Agenda - 04-20-2010 - 7b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-20-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 04-20-2010 - 7b
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Last modified
4/16/2010 12:08:37 PM
Creation date
4/16/2010 12:08:36 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 04-20-2010
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2010
ORD-2010-041 Amendment to Article IX, Section 3.2, Reduction in Force of the Orange County Personnel Ordinance
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\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2010
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A -H-acl~ rn~2n-~ a <br />Orange County Personnel Rules and Regulations Manual Effective Date: 5/1/2010 5 <br />II. AUTHORITY <br />The purpose of this rule is to implement and give effect to Article IX, Section 3.2 of the Orange <br />County Personnel Ordinance, Workers' Compensation. These Administrative Rules and <br />Procedures provide for consistent application of the Ordinance to ensure that Orange County <br />employees who receive a compensable injury under the Workers' Compensation Act while on <br />the job are provided a swift and certain remedy for their injury and to ensure limited and <br />determinate liability for the County. <br />III. PURPOSE <br />It is the policy of the County to maintain as stable an employment workforce as possible. <br />However, whenever the Board of County Commissioners determines that positions are no longer <br />required or funds will not support certain positions, the Board may authorize the County <br />Manager, or other hiring authority, to separate employees. As a result, the County Manager, or <br />other hiring authority, may develop Reduction in Force Plan that includes appropriate <br />alternatives to avoid possible layoffs. Retention of employees in classes affected shall be based <br />on systematic consideration. <br />IV. ADMINISTRATIVE RULES AND REGULATIONS <br />A. A Reduction in Force ("RIF") occurs when management determines the <br />following: <br />1. The need exists to consolidate, reorganize, or abolish programs or <br />organizational units with a resulting loss of one (1) or more permanent <br />positions; <br />2. The need exists to redesign the duties and responsibilities of a permanent <br />position so materially that the changed classification and qualifications render <br />the incumbent unqualified for the redesigned position; or <br />3. The abolishment of positions is required by the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners. <br />B. Alternatives to the Reduction in Force. The County Manager, or other hiring <br />authority, shall consider all feasible alternatives to a RIF separation of employees <br />prior to separating employees in permanent position including, but not limited to <br />separation of employees in temporary, probationary or trainee positions, <br />reassignment or transfer of employees into to vacant positions within the County <br />in the same, related or lower class; eliminating overtime hours, job sharing and <br />reducing work hours. <br />C. Reassignment or Transfers. When management reassigns or transfers a position <br />to another program, work unit and/or Department with no subsequent change in <br />classification or salary grade, the employee currently in the position will be <br />reassigned or transferred with the position. Position reassignments or transfers <br />are not considered RIF, and are, therefore, excluded from the provisions of the <br />policy. <br />Issue Date: July 1, coos Draft Page 3 <br />
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