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9 <br />• The grant recipient will agree to an ongoing commitment to Outreach and Inclusion <br />of Minority Participation, and other practices promoting equality and goodwill <br />regardless of an individual's race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, <br />disability, age, athletic ability, veteran status or familial status. <br />• In the event of sale, lease or foreclosure of the property and/or the facilities developed <br />with grant funds, the county will retain the option of right of first refusal to <br />purchase/lease the property/facilities at market value, less the amount of the grant. <br />Alternatively, the county may choose to receive reimbursement for the grant monies <br />provided. <br />• Construction of soccer fields through matching grants to qualified organizations must <br />be initiated within three (3) years of the grant award. <br />• The Orange County Recreation and Parks Department will work with the grant <br />recipient in programming the field(s). Orange County will retain the right of final <br />determination in this area. <br />• Orange County will not be committed to further capital expenditures in the event <br />development is unsuccessful, damage occurs, or further improvements/phases are <br />desired. <br />• Orange County will not be committed to ongoing maintenance/operational costs. <br />B. Purchase of Land for Construction of Soccer Fields <br />The Soccer Superfund may also be used to <br />contain fields to be used exclusively for <br />Commissioners and as funds are available. <br />fund the acquisition of land(s), which will <br />soccer, at the discretion of the Board of <br />The following criteria will be used to evaluate proposals for land acquisition projects, <br />whether by County or by matching grant application. (Note: Matching grant proposals <br />shall use the same application form as for facility development): <br />1. At least 67% of the total land area in the proposal must be used for soccer <br />fields or other related facilities associated with the fields <br />2. The compatibility of the proposed land acquisition with the Master Recreation <br />and Parks Plan (Parks and Recreation Element of the Comprehensive Plan) <br />3. The proximity of the site to population centers and geographic location of <br />other fields <br />4. Accessibility of the site for transportation purposes (including public <br />transportation) <br />5. The impact of construction of fields on the proposed site on natural and <br />cultural resources either present on site or within a reasonable proximity to the <br />site <br />