Orange County NC Website
8 <br />To apply for matching funds, an application request must be submitted to the <br />County. The application should state the name of the applicant organization, the <br />purpose of the proposed project, the anticipated cost of the project, and other <br />details as shall be specified on the application form. The applicant must provide <br />documentation ensuring that their portion of the matching funds is available and <br />at hand. <br />The application will be evaluated by County staff, with a recommendation <br />submitted to the Board of Commissioners. <br />3. Conditions and Priorities for Funding Consideration <br />Priority consideration for funding (both County projects and matching grant <br />projects) will be given to projects that meet the following criteria. Projects that <br />meet multiple criteria will receive higher weighting: <br />1) Incorporate economies of scale (i.e., two or more fields situated together that <br />share lighting and ancillary facilities) <br />2) Construct full size fields (approximately 360' in length by 225' in width) <br />3) Construct fields which include planned lighting <br />4) Construct fields which include planned irrigation <br />5) Construct fields that are readily accessible for public use <br />6) Construct fields that have access to Public Transportation <br />7) Construct fields that receive approval of appropriate regulatory agencies <br />8) Locations where water and sewer is available (especially for proposed "soccer <br />park" projects). <br />9) Construct new fields that are not previously approved as part of a park master <br />plan or concept plan as of the November 6, 2001 bond referendum. (Southern <br />Community Park, Efland-Cheeks Community School Park and all Schools <br />occupied as of December 31, 2003 are not eligible to receive Soccer <br />Superfund funding.) <br />4. Contract Language <br />Contract Language between the County and the grant recipient will include the <br />following basic premises: <br />• Orange County retains the right to assume controlling management and operation <br />of facilities for which applicant entities have received grant monies from this <br />fund, should the Manager and the Board determine that field management, <br />maintenance and/or availability expectations based on the above criteria and <br />spelled out in the contract authorizing grant approval have not been maintained. <br />• Fields that are funded by the Soccer Superfund must be reasonably available for <br />use beyond that of the grantee. Any contract for matching grant must specify how <br />and when community use of the field will be made available. <br />