Orange County NC Website
Excessive Heat <br />Excessive heat on artificial turf fields is problematic during daylight hours, <br />especially during warm weather. The typical response to excessive heat on a field is to <br />water the field and cool it down. The amount of play on an artificial turf field can be <br />controlled effectively through scheduling use so that the majority of use happens during <br />morning hours and after sun set during warm summer months. Information on a study <br />concerning this issue at Brigham Young University can be found at this web site: <br />httn:// <br />Additional information <br />The Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) has done extensive testing <br />and research on artificial turf field installation and has developed an extensive library of <br />information that can be found at the following web site: <br /> html <br />What this would do: <br />This proposal would provide for the following: <br />1. Increase the availability of year-round playable large field space for Orange <br />County residents close to home. <br />2. Allow Orange County to facilitate the development of soccer in the county and <br />increase the amount of play while not incurring any ongoing operational expense. <br />3. Allow Town of Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation Department to substantially <br />improve the condition of its largest park facility. <br />Recommendation: <br />That Orange County grant to the Town of Chapel Hill the remaining $623,000.00 <br />from the soccer "superfund" bond sale revenue to provide for the installation of artificial <br />turf and associated improvements at Cedar Falls Park for the purpose of increasing the <br />availability of soccer fields in Orange County. This would allow the Chapel Hill Parks <br />and Recreation Department to provide year round opportunities for soccer and other <br />sports requiring a large playing field for all citizens of Orange County. <br />5 <br />