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Estimated budget for project <br />Expenses <br />Installation of artificial turf $820,000 <br />Installation of athletic field lights $135,000 <br />Parking lot renovations $ 75,000 <br />Restroom renovations $136,000 <br />Landscaping $ 30,000 <br />Contingency $ 50 000 <br />Total $1,246,000 <br />Revenue <br />Orange County Bond Funds $623,000 <br />PARTF Grant $500,000 <br />Town Funds $123,000 <br />Total $1,246,000 <br />Determination of need: <br />The Parks and Recreation Department recently completed a comprehensive <br />assessment of its parks and trail system. The report gives Cedar Falls Park an overall <br />condition assessment of fair with specific concern expressed for the restroom facilities, <br />athletic field #1 and the parking facilities. The park is heavily used and athletic field #1 <br />is particularly overused resulting in compaction of soils, poor drainage and poor growing <br />conditions for all-season turf. This use is compounded by the field being large enough to <br />accommodate soccer, lacrosse and other large field sports. It is one of only two fields in <br />Chapel Hill that is available during winter months for this use. It is located near the East <br />Chapel Hill High School and students from the school use the field for club sports after <br />school hours. It is heavily used by many soccer organizations including Rainbow Soccer <br />and Triangle United Soccer during the early spring season and by park and recreation <br />department adult softball leagues during the spring and fall. <br />It is estimated that the installation of artificial turf would increase the availability <br />and frequency of use at this location. Artificial turf allows for play in all seasons and in <br />all weather conditions. It effectively and efficiently increases the amount of play in one <br />location to the point of acting like a minimum of four fields using turf have been built <br />instead of just one artificial turf field. <br />Number of participants: <br />Based on team rosters for the soccer and lacrosse groups, we estimate that <br />approximately 3900 Orange County residents used athletic field #1 in 2008 with <br />approximately 500 of these residents being from outside the Town of Chapel Hill town <br />limits. <br />Noted concerns: <br />4 <br />Staph Bacteria <br />Information on a study by Penn State University concerning this issue can be <br />found at the following web site; http://a ig nfo.psu.eduJnews/2006/8/Staph.htm <br />