Orange County NC Website
performance. <br />3. Describe what the applicant plans to do to assure that the funded services are provided <br />throughout the period of performance. <br />Answer: ETS will adhere to the timelines established in the project goals. The project team <br />composed of the mobility manager, project manager, management consultant and OCDSS will <br />work closely together to ensure participants are utilizing the service and that their individual <br />needs aze met. <br />4. Describe how the applicant will manage risk and provide for safe delivery of services or safe use <br />and maintenance of capital assets. (i.e. driver training, maintenance scheduling, and insurance) <br />Answer: <br />It is ETS policy to provide a safe, and secure mode of transport for its customers. ETS policy <br />mandates that all employees receive a drug screen and transit training. In addition, all drivers <br />must submit a clean driving record and provide proof of insurance as a condition of <br />employment. ETS produces a training manual for all employees and is updated annually as new <br />transportation materials become available by the North Carolina Department of Transportation <br />and policy changes within the Counties ETS operates. <br />14 <br />ETS provides vehicle and property insurance as noted on submitted assurances documentation. <br />