Orange County NC Website
18 <br />EXHIBIT B--Report Farm <br />FI~iAL REPORT FORM <br />2010 Tobacco Communities Reinvestment Fund Demonstration Grant Program <br />Project Title: <br />Project Coordinator: <br />Coordinator's Signature: <br />Describe the progress you have made in completing the project tasks outlined in your contract. Please, specifically note how <br />project activities relate to expenses listed on the financial report form. <br />Describe any problems encountered, solutions developed, and any other insights you've arrived at through your work an the <br />project. <br />What steps have you t<~ken to inform others (farmers, extension agents, public officials, community members, etc.) about your <br />project? How many pea iep have you reached? ~'~hat are your future plans to let other farnsers know about your project? <br />