Orange County NC Website
M <br />Ho/ %w Rock Area /New Hope Creek Opportunities and Constraints <br />5. Historic and Archaeological Sites — The information gathered from the current <br />survey will likely be useful for interpreting the property and the surrounding <br />community. [e.g., remnants of the former Hillsborough - Fayetteville road] <br />6. Proximity to other Facilities — The site's close proximity to other publicly <br />accessible facilities is an asset that should be considered in determining the <br />future use of the property. Nearby facilities include the Trinity School and <br />Forest View Elementary School. <br />S. Constraints: <br />1. Access — Pickett Road (SR 1734) bisects the property so the master plan will <br />need to address parking and access to parkland on two sides of the public road. <br />2. Adjacent residences — There are a few homes located adjacent to the site. The <br />design of the park and its facilities should consider the potential effects on those <br />neighbors (Fisher, Penny and the Solterra subdivision). <br />3. Historic and archaeological resources — The current cultural/archaeological <br />survey might identify areas on the property that should be avoided or protected <br />from any uses, including trails. <br />4. Streams — Undisturbed buffers (300- feet -wide) are required along New Hope <br />Creek and its tributary streams, consistent with conservation easements held by <br />the State of North Carolina. The conservation easements allow limited facilities, <br />such as nature trails with bridges, boardwalks and benches. <br />5. New Hope Creek Aquatic Habitat — the unusually high quality of this aquatic <br />habitat must be protected from any potential sources of pollution. <br />Environmental education should be encouraged, but limited so as not overly <br />disturb the organisms in New Hope Creek (e.g., fish, crayfish, snails, mussels). <br />Page 7 of 8 <br />