Orange County NC Website
37 <br />Ho/ %w Rock Area /New Hope Creek Opportunities and Constraints <br />VII. Opportunities and Constraints <br />The Hollow Rock parklands were acquired for the purpose of protecting this segment of <br />the New Hope Creek corridor for low- impact recreation, environmental education and <br />wildlife habitat —all consistent with the New Hope Corridor Open Space Master Plan. <br />The land was acquired by several conservation partners, including the State of North <br />Carolina that contributed funds through the NC Clean Water Management Trust Fund <br />(CWMTF) and the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP). Both of those grant <br />programs required that the lands be protected with permanent conservation easements <br />that prohibit all but a few uses of the property. A summary of the two conservation <br />easements is provided as Appendix 2. <br />The Hollow Rock parklands could accommodate a variety of low - impact activities <br />without compromising the important natural and cultural values of the property. <br />Special care will be needed when siting and designing those facilities. Interpretive <br />signs could be used to describe the different features of the property and how they fit <br />into the history of the site and the surrounding areas. <br />The site is comprised of different ecosystems that'could be used for environmental <br />education. The upland forest, the bottomland forest, the stream corridors, and New <br />Hope Creek itself could each serve to foster a greater understanding, appreciation, and <br />enjoyment of the natural world through environmental education. Examples of <br />potential programs include birding, stream ecology, wildlife discovery, reptiles and <br />amphibians, butterflies and caterpillars. <br />The following is a list of specific opportunities and constraints that have been identified <br />for the property thus far. Please note that some items are listed under both categories. <br />A. Opportunities: <br />1. Access – The site is highly accessible to residents of southwest Durham and <br />Chapel Hill via Erwin Road, Pickett Road, and other links to US 15 -501. <br />2. Mature Upland Forest – many of the forested areas are suitable for nature <br />trails, environmental education, and other low- impact uses. Perimeter forest <br />areas will help to buffer adjacent private properties from future park activities. <br />3. Bottomland Forest – the lower forest (west of Pickett Road) is in excellent <br />condition, and provides opportunities for environmental education. Nature <br />trails through the wetter areas should be properly designed, including bridges <br />and boardwalks. Signage should advise people how to avoid harming the flora <br />and fauna in this area. <br />4. New Hope Creek Aquatic Habitat – the unusually high quality of this aquatic <br />habitat provides an opportunity for people to learn about rare and endangered <br />organisms living in New Hope Creek (e.g., fish, crayfish, snails and mussels). <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />