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1, lSb <br />?; - <br />.. ~~ <br />3. <br />,~~ Cca~missic~nex Whitted moved to approve the Tax collector's request <br />~~ to release those cvnsi.~ered rnctiollectible taxes. Catmissioner Barnes <br />i. secnnded the motion. Commissioner 4~Azitted amended his motion to state <br />-, the above but to delete those in the ann~,mri area of G~rthoro; Commission- <br />j. er Barnes' second stood. Vote: Ayes, 5; Haas, 0. (For a list of those --- <br />~. taxes released see page~9f~~of this book) ---- <br />! . Agenda, Item 21: The Tax S z l~co~ds <br />.. A. Tax refund requests- (see pag~f this book for this list) <br />! ~ Cacmissioner 4~itted moved approval of those tax refunds rerided. <br />~. by the Tax Supervisor. Commissioner Barnes serxrnded the motion. Vote: <br />.. Ayes, 5, noes, ~. <br />;~ B. Tax Release Requests~ir. Archie Kelly, of the Tax Office told <br />the Board these r,~re presented without cant or rr~r~m~,,rlatl.CH1 Erin <br />the Tax Supervisor. <br />Vickers Audio-The Board postponed this hearing till a later time at <br />the request of a representative of Vic.~cers who said the accountant had_ <br />not had sufficient notification of this meeting. Cca[missicaner Barnes <br />asked that the representative leave a name and address with the Clerk to <br />the Board for future notification. (Clerk's mote: The x~:presentat~ce <br />did not leave a nacre or address far notificat3an.) <br />Triangle Commcmicatian Service--i~L~c. C,eorge StPx~house said this equip- <br />meat, a micrncanputer, was used alimst exclusively for church work and <br />had been purchased for $5,500 in May of 1977; he felt that $3,500 was too <br />much for a depreciable item. The Tax office rooted that there had been <br />no application for emotion on charitable or religious grounds. Mr. <br />Stenhouse told the LDard the equipment belonged to him personally and <br />identified the make and model of the microccxr~ex. Mr. Kelly was in- <br />strutted to study the information presented than evening and to zeturn <br />to the Board with a ~daticm based on this information. The County <br />Attorney told the Board the equipment not only had to be used far charitable - <br />gu1~oses, it had to be owned by a charitable institution. <br />, Aragon Dis~mt Carpet-Mr. Kelly told the Baird they had notified <br />the owner of this business of the Machinery Act and had heard nothing <br />fran hir_~. Cannassioner Tnhitted noted it was incest on the taxpayers r <br />to list their tames. Carmissioner Wil7hoit moved to deny the request for <br />a tax release based on the information presented (No representative of <br />