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8 <br />1 c. New OCS Elementary School Athletic Fields <br />2 John Link said that he discussed these athletic fields with Superintendent Randy <br />3 Bridges yesterday. Randy Bridges went back to the developer and asked if the developer would <br />4 be willing to sell the 11 acres outright to the school system or to the County, and the answer <br />5 was no. There was a discussion that the developer could convey the property to the school <br />6 system and there could be a process that the County could buy the property from the school <br />7 system. At this time, there has not been an offer by the developer to sell or convey the <br />8 property. <br />9 <br />io In answer to a question from Commissioner Jacobs, John Link clarified that at the <br />11 point the developer expressed willingness to convey the property, it was with the expectation of <br />12 how that property might be counted as open space. After it was made clear that there could be <br />13 no promises made between conveying the property and the approval of the proposed <br />14 development, that discussion ceased. <br />15 <br />16 Commissioner Jacobs said that the school board should continue to negotiate with <br />17 the developer to try and acquire the property with no commitment of the Board's participation in <br />18 any way until it is in public ownership. <br />19 <br />20 d. CHCCS Continuing Contracts for Capital Projects <br />21 John Link listed three projects that the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School System <br />22 need decisions on before the summer break as follows: 1) repairing the Phillips Middle School <br />23 roof; 2) purchasing mobile classrooms for McDougle Middle School; and 3) athletic fields. <br />24 <br />25 In answer to a question from Commissioner Halkiotis about the roof at Phillips Middle <br />26 School, he was told that it has been in the CIP for years. <br />27 <br />28 Commissioner Halkiotis said that he would like to give the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City <br />29 school system authority to move ahead with their roof needs. <br />30 <br />31 A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey <br />32 to authorize the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City schools to move ahead with their roof and mobile <br />33 classroom needs. <br />34 <br />35 Commissioner Brown asked about the mobile classrooms and if they were needed <br />36 because all of the middle schools are crowded, and she was told yes. <br />37 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />38 <br />39 e. Status Report on County Building Roof Conditions <br />4o The report in the agenda was received for information only. There was no <br />41 discussion. <br />42 <br />43 f. School/Park Reserve -Report from Subcommittee <br />44 Commissioner Brown said that she and Commissioner Jacobs met with Ken <br />45 Chavious and David Stancil last week and discussed this issue. They realized that there were <br />46 two separate issues: 1) try to come up with some strong recommendations on the short-term <br />47 issues -developing the park site at the new Orange County elementary school and dealing with <br />48 the issue of the park site at the new middle school in Chapel Hill; and 2) long-term implications <br />49 of the park bond ($120,000 expected to be left over from the $3 million). Also, the School/Park <br />so Reserve Fund has accumulated 2.4 million dollars in the past four years. Commissioners <br />51 Brown and Jacobs researched specifically the use intended for these funds. <br />