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<br />Commissioner Halkiotis cautioned that if the objective is to complete something like <br />this during the summer, it could be very expensive. He said that he feels that savings could be <br />achieved by phasing the project over two summers. <br />John Link referred to the Glenwood Elementary School project. He said that the <br />school board has indicated its intention of continuing to use Glenwood for many years <br />considering the amount of investment that is going into it. <br />Bill Mullin spoke about the reasoning behind not building another facility and <br />improving the present Glenwood Elementary School. <br />School Priorities -Orange County Schools <br />John Link said that the staff did not find anything remarkable about the priorities for <br />the Orange County School system. They are basically putting their bond money into renovation <br />projects. <br />There was no discussion by the Board. <br />b. Smith Middle School Athletic Fields <br />John Link pointed out the attachments that address the athletic fields. <br />Commissioner Carey asked if the $75,000 referenced in the Town of Carrboro letter <br />is included in Carrboro's upcoming year's budget. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the memo that came out of the subcommittee <br />that met to discuss the School/Park reserve fund. He said that the County has made a <br />commitment to match funds, and that $150,000 would fall short of the $436,000 that is required <br />for this project. He noted that if the lights and the bleachers were considered separately, and if <br />the Town of Carrboro came up with $100,000 and the County matched it, that the project could <br />proceed. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis suggested that this project could be done in stages. <br />Commissioner Carey agreed that it makes more sense to do this project in stages. <br />Bill Mullin said that if all the funding was received then the project could begin. The <br />idea is to do the site preparation for all of the work in the fall of 1999. The project will be <br />completed in 2001. <br />John Link asked Bill Mullin what he thought of the phased approach to the project. <br />Bill Mullin said that Parks and Recreation is very clear that they need lights in order <br />to take advantage of the fields. Also, if the fields are to be used intensively, the irrigation <br />becomes critical. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis said that he thinks the County Commissioners will get <br />bombarded with these kinds of requests. He said that the Board needs to be prepared to <br />address this, although there does not appear to be an urgency to doing it right away. <br />