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1 Commissioner Brown would like to pull out everything about the Buckhorn EDD and have <br />2 it refined. <br />4 John Link said that the staff would bring back a more refined goal for the Buckhorn EDD. <br />5 <br />6 Chair Gordon mentioned that there should be something in this goal about sustainability <br />7 and the Board agreed that sustainability should be cross-referenced in the EDD goal. <br />8 <br />9 Human Services <br />1o Commissioner Brown made reference to the Community Assessment objective and said <br />11 that the Board decided that the staff would analyze Wake County's Assessment and report to <br />12 the Board on the pros and cons. She feels that everything else should not be adopted until the <br />13 report is received. <br />14 <br />15 John Link said that he tried to capture what the Board was interested in doing. They <br />16 wanted to know what Wake County's Community Assessment looked like and whether it was <br />17 valid for Orange County. He said that staff could remove everything after objective three from <br />1s the book, but he thinks keeping it in the book, as a reference would be valuable. He said that <br />19 this goal was based on a statement made by the Board. <br />20 <br />21 The Board agreed to put everything from Community Assessment after objective three in <br />22 an appendix. <br />23 <br />24 Commissioner Jacobs pointed out the Hispanic-Latino Relations objective that was not <br />2s there before. He suggested adding the following four specifics to the goal: <br />26 <br />27 1) develop affirmative multi-lingual hiring policies; <br />28 2) have a presentation by the staff of an analysis of the Los Ninos report with short-term <br />29 and long-term recommendations; <br />30 3) advertise employment opportunities at Fiesta del Pueblo; and <br />31 4) work with the Census Bureau to coordinate efforts to encourage the Hispanic-Latino <br />32 participation in the census count. <br />33 <br />34 Joint Master Aging Program <br />35 Commissioner Brown noted that this goal had been added in response to the Board asking <br />36 for this as a goal. She said that it sounds very similar to the Human Services goal, but it is <br />37 going to be done in a completely different fashion. <br />38 <br />39 Department on Aging Director Jerry Passmore said that a plan would come from this goal. <br />4o He said that it was less expensive than the Human Services goal because interns and public <br />41 administration personnel will be used. The outcome of this goal would be a plan that would be <br />42 focused on the active older adults, the frail, and the institutionalized. <br />43 <br />44 Commissioner Brown asked if the Commissioners would make the appointments for the <br />45 MAP Steering Committee and Jerry Passmore said yes. <br />46 <br />47 Innovation and Efficiency <br />48 Commissioner Brown said that whatever goal the County Commissioners adopts, the <br />49 Board should ask the outside agencies that are supported by County funds to do the same <br />so thing. <br />51 <br />