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Personnel Director Elaine Holmes presented background information on this request. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis questioned the salary grade level and asked why this position was placed in this <br />grade level. He feels that this salary is too high for this position. <br />John Link said that he feels that grade level 73 is realistic considering the educational background required <br />for this position. <br />Chair Gordon said that she feels that this is a high level job which would warrant a grade 73. <br />Commissioner Brown suggested a time limited position for up to four years. <br />The Board decided to bring this back for further consideration. <br />b. Woodgreen Subdivision Preliminary Plan <br />The Board considered a preliminary plan for the Woodgreen subdivision located on a 30.7-acre tract in <br />Cheeks Township near the intersection of Dimmocks Mill and Moorefields roads. <br />Planning Director Craig Benedict introduced this item. Planner Karen Lincoln said that the applicant <br />proposes to subdivide the 30.7 acres into 25 new residential lots with an average lot size of 1.03 acres. The proposal <br />includes 11.04 acres or 36% open space. <br />Commissioner Brown asked questions about the septic systems and Karen Lincoln showed on a map the <br />types of systems recommended by Environmental Health. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked that the County develop a process to monitor conservation areas to be sure <br />that they are preserved. Karen Lincoln said that the maintenance of the open space area is usually the responsibility of <br />the homeowners association. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the 40-foot buffer and who would be responsible for maintaining that <br />buffer. Craig Benedict said that he will work with the County Attorney to draft language for the resolution to require <br />maintenance of that buffer area until such time that the homeowners association takes over that responsibility. <br />Mark Barr, Land Surveyor, said that he feels that the questions about landscaping are covered in the <br />County's Subdivision Ordinance. <br />Griffin Graves, attorney representing the developer, said that he is willing to work with the County Attorney <br />to include whatever conditions are necessary in the restrictive covenants. <br />Commissioner Jacobs feels that our flexible development ordinance is a disaster and this subdivision is an <br />example of how the flexible development guidelines are not working to the benefit of rural neighborhoods. He feels that <br />the County Commissioners need to start addressing the concerns associated with our flexible development guidelines. <br />The County Commissioners decided to bring this back for further discussion at their next meeting. <br />c. County Resaonse to OWASA Reauest for Comments Relative to its Utility Extension and <br />Assessment Position Paper <br />The Board considered a draft letter to OWASA replying to the utility's request for a County response on its <br />proposed utility extension and assessment policy. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested adding to the end of the second paragraph verbiage to provide social <br />equity and help people who cannot afford to hook onto water and sewer. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to authorize that the <br />letter be revised and circulated to the Board members for their comments before sending it out. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Proposed OWASA Reimbursements to Orange Grove Volunteer Fire Department <br />The Board considered a request for input from OWASA regarding proposed payments by OWASA to the <br />Orange Grove Volunteer Fire Department. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to approve OWASA's request <br />to make an annual payment to Orange Grove Volunteer Fire Department. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />10. REPORTS <br />a. Resort on Chatham County's Reauest to Access its Jordan Lake Water Allocation throuah OWASA's <br />Jordan Lake Property and Approved Intake Location <br />The Board heard a report on Chatham County's request to access its Jordan lake water supply through <br />OWASA's Jordan Lake property and responses to the plan from the towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro and consider <br />approval of a draft letter to OWASA outlining the County's response. <br />County Engineer Paul Thames gave background information on this item. Chatham County is asking <br />assistance from OWASA which will allow them to withdraw their full allocation of 6 mgd from Jordan Lake. <br />