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�� � 1 <br /> �i � <br /> 7 <br /> 1 shipping. He mentioned that the dry cast is an option which would allow them to remain at the facility <br /> 2 of origin. The dry cast and pool scenarios are both safe. As the safety officer he sees more potential <br /> 3 for complications by having finro methods. Also, the economics are considerably in favor of putting the <br /> � 1 pools in service at Harris over having the dry casts at three stations. They cannot replace the wet <br /> .i storage at Shearon Harris. When bundles are first removed from service they must be stored in <br /> 6 pools, so the pool storage wiil continue to be used. The pool storage must be expanded. <br /> 7 <br /> 8 Commissioner Brown asked for further clarification of the long-term strategies for the three plants. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Jim Scarola stated that in the early 1980's it was decided to go ahead with the spent fuel building. <br /> 11 That was a part of the long-term strategy for nuclear generation within CP&L. The shipments to <br /> 12 Shearon Harris began the year after the facility was licensed. They did not expect opposition to a , <br /> 13 program that had been in place for ten years. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Commissioner Jacobs stated that CP&L is not licensed to take spent fuel rods from other utilities. He <br /> 16 asked what assurances there were that CP&L would not ask for that right. He also asked if it was a <br /> 17 possibility to move ahead with pool C and not pool D. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Jim Scarola stated that any intent to take fuel from another facility would compromise their own <br /> 20 strategy for license term and license extension. Logistically and legally that is not an option. He <br /> 21 mentioned that they do not see any technical obstacles that would prevent them from putting both of <br /> 22 the pools in service. There is no advantage to them to go through the licensing process twice. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 Commissioner Halkiotis stated that there were earth tremors in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain. He <br /> 25 mentioned that he has been a Commissioner since 1986 and he has been consistent in his opposition <br /> 26 to Shearon Harris. He has grave concerns about the nuclear power industry. There was concern that <br /> �7 the Yucca Mountain area could experience a significant earthquake. There are still people who <br /> ( believe that it might happen. He is convinced that CP&L is committed to the public safety; however, <br /> �9 history has proved that humans cannot control nature. That is what scares people about this safety <br /> 30 issue. If the nuciear power industry is so safe and if the risk of hazardous accidents is so low, why <br /> 31 does the private insurance industry place such a high price on liability insurance coverage? <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Jim Scarola stated that the nuclear business is governed by technical and politicai decisions. His role <br /> 34 is to support the decision made by the Federal government. He believes the energy policies will serve <br /> 35 the citizens of this country. He believes that there will be a storage facility at Yucca Mountain. There <br /> 36 are options and hazards associated with each of the energy options for the future. He feels that the <br /> 37 insurance companies will continue to insure nuclear power facilities based on the possibte risks. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Commissioner Carey asked if the original ten-year plan included racking the fuel rods more tightly. <br /> 40 Also, he stated that it appears that CP&L has not supported a public hearing with the NRC. He asked <br /> 41 for an explanation of that apparent position. <br /> 42 <br /> 43 Jim Scarola said that he did not know if the ten-year plan included racking the fuel more compactly. <br /> 44 The rack designs throughout the country have changed as the material used for this process has <br /> 45 changed. The new process has allowed the ability to stack the rods more efficiently. Also, pools C & <br /> 46 D are not taking freshly offloaded fuel rods, which allows them to be stacked closer. With regard to <br /> 47 the public hearing process, he stated that the decision on public process is not a CP&L process. <br /> 48 They have responded appropriately to the requirements of the Federal government who are <br /> 49 surrogates for the pubtic. The NRC makes that decision. <br /> 50 <br /> � � Commissioner Gordon asked Dr. Thompson to give an overview of the risks and consequences <br /> 1 mentioned during the proceedings. <br /> 53 <br />