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-- - -- - <br /> ��- - -- --- -- t 3'� ,, <br /> 4 <br /> 1 has merit. The staff decides whether to accept or reject the comments. If they reject them, an appeal <br /> 2 could be made directly to the Commissioners. After that an appeal could be made directiy to the US <br /> 3 Court of Appeais. The determination of"No Significant Hazard" is not final until the NRC considers <br /> , <br /> 4 public comment. � <br /> 5 <br /> 6 The effect of a final determination of"No Significant Hazard"would be that the racking of the pools <br /> 7 could occur independent of the hearing. It might be that the hearing would ultimately conclude that <br /> 8 the license amendment should not be granted and that the racks should be removed. However, that <br /> 9 outcome becomes less likely if the action has occurred because the stakes are raised. <br /> 10 ' <br /> 11 <br /> 12 Questions from the Board of Commissioners to Consultants/CP&UOther Interested,Parties <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Commissioner Brown asked for an explanation of the process that CP&L used to make the decision to <br /> 15 use the fuel pools. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Jim Scarola of CP&L stated that the Shearon Harris station was originally planned for four units. The <br /> 18 load projections caused the construction of three of the units to be cancelled. However, the decision <br /> 19 was made to complete the Spent Fuel building in such a way as to provide space for the original four- <br /> 20 pool capacity. CP&L expected that the Department of Energy would begin taking possession of the <br /> 21 fuei in 1998. They are at 75% capacity and are exercising the existing plan to put the last two pools <br /> 22 into service. It was not a decision that was made recently but was part of their long-term contingency <br /> 23 plan. They did look at alternatives to this option. The fuel rods that would be delivered to the plant <br /> 24 are now being stored in fuel pools at Robinson and Brunswick. Each of these plants, Robinson, <br /> 25 Brunswick and Shearon Harris, are at 75% of storage capacity. This is what is motivating the current <br /> 26 expansion plans at Shearon Harris. He felt confident that the Yucca Mountain facility wouid be open <br /> 27 sometime in the future to house spent fuel. �� <br /> 28 � <br /> 29 Commissioner Carey asked for clarification regarding the current license. Mr. Scarola said the license _ <br /> 30 currently allows for off-loading from Brunswick and Robinson. The current license amendment is <br /> 31 strictly to put the C & D pools into service. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Citizen Question: I read in a recent issue of the Raleigh News & Observer that the Shearon Harris <br /> 34 plant was accidentally shut down recently because a worker left a sheet of paper between a few <br /> 35 instruments and a back up system took over. It seems very easy for an accident to happen. What if <br /> 36 the back up system does not come on, what will happen? Are arrangements being made to anticipate <br /> 37 any Y2K problems? Commissioner Halkiotis added that he saw an add several weeks ago with <br /> 38 respect to how CP&L is preparing for Y2K and a representative of CP&L stated information would be <br /> 39 coming out in the Spring billing. Also, the advertisement stated that CP&L intends to recommend in <br /> 40 the spring billing that citizens stock up on non-perishable food items and batteries. This is <br /> 41 disconcerting to hear CP&L suggesting these types of warnings. <br /> 42 <br /> 43 Mr. Scarola stated that nuclear facilities are designed to put themselves in a condition of safe <br /> 44 operation. For a nuclear plant that would be a shut-down condition. There are many systems that <br /> �� n <br /> 45 would shut down the plant if they sense a problem. There was a maintenance error which caused the <br /> 46 plant to shut down, however, no back up generators were needed. The plant operated as designed. <br /> 47 With regard to the Y2K issue, they have done a detailed review and testing on over 300 software <br /> 48 systems. He expressed extreme confidence in the safety of this facility. <br /> 49 <br /> 50 Cornmissioner Brown stated that CP&L have stated that they go above and beyond the NRC <br /> 51 requirements. She asked for an explanation of how they are going beyond the requirements with � <br /> 52 regard to the pools. Mr. Scarola stated that the design of the pool storage at the Shearon Harris - <br /> 53 facility is above the minimum standard required and beyond the standards of other facilities in the <br /> 54 United States. <br />