Orange County NC Website
5 <br />3. Rog_er_s Road rovision of water to the nei borhood,~ Municipal Water Service to <br />Oranse Coun Re 'onal Landfill Vicini 1/12/98 Paul Thames Attachment 4~ <br />Paul Thames described the map that he distributed of the entire landfill area. He pointed <br />out the area where the citizens are negotiating with the LOG for community benefits -- water and sewer. <br />The map shows six neighborhoods. He pointed out the Historic Rogers Road neighborhood. It would <br />cost $2.9 million to provide water to all six neighborhoods where there are 280 homes. This $2.9 million <br />would include $600,000 in OWASA fees and $280,000 in plumbing fees. <br />C. Zoning Issues: <br />1. Permitting the use of the American Stone Q a~ as a water storage facili for OWASA. <br />Attachments: <br />Summary and Status Report, Proposed Stone arr Expansion February 19 1998 <br />(Attachment <br />Letter from OWASA Chairman B~ Jacobs to Carrboro Mayor Michael Nelson June <br />25 1996 (Attachment <br />An Overview of the American Stone Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan Amendment <br />Request (Attachment 7~ <br />John Link referred to the next Joint Planning Area public hearing scheduled for Apri18 <br />and explained that both towns have items they want on this agenda and that OWASA also has an item they <br />want heard at this time. <br />Joan Hall Broun said that from OWASA's point of view, this issue has been batted back <br />and forth a considerable amount of time. They feel it is important for this to be placed on the JPA public <br />hearing agenda because they would like to have some closure to this matter prior to October, 1998. <br />Chair Margaret Brown suggested that the Chapel Hill representative talk with their <br />council to see if their item could be delayed. <br />Mr. Epting said that this has taken so long that Mr. Danzinger has indicated that the <br />contract should be null and void because of the time it has taken. <br />2. Cane Creek _ Zoning op licX for the protection of the watershed. <br />Summary, Final Recommendations for Protecting the Cane Creek Water Suvnly Adopted <br />Orange Water and Sewer Authority, October 23 1997 Attachment 8~ <br />