Orange County NC Website
-~ : ~..5 5 <br /> <br />-,r_~. <br />are known. <br />The Board discussed fee for service for FMS. Several ?fibers of <br />the audience spoke in.opposition to instituting fees for this service <br />(Dr. Dent. Mr. T.essig, Ms. Macy Davison and an unidentified woaan) . Sarre <br />.members of the Board felt that the increase of 250 since 197$ was dispro-- <br />~tLlrt;flsral With respect .to OthtrT departmeCrtal inr_raacPg.and Sall the point <br />was not to cut the II~5 budget but to get offsetting xevenues. Other mem- <br />bers of the Board di=ate and .discussion ensued. <br />The Baazd discussed the personnel figures for the two school systeYns <br />and Change County. <br />Corrmi.ssaoner .Wallhoit suggested deletion of $10, 000 fxr<rr Register of <br />Deeds far a new pasitiaa~; deletion of $10,000 for new green baxx{?s; addition <br />of $10,000 to travel (far a net xeductiar~: in that account of $15,000). <br />Ms. Henrietta A7SClali-speaking for the. Orange C7otulty Historical Society <br />asked that the Award fund the Musermr now lorzted in the Old Courkhouse. <br />Mr. James Fxr-viand--spoke for the Eoard's funding of the Orange <br />County Schools' capital outlay line item. He said sc~ repairs/purchases <br />~:ould not be delayed longer. <br />Comnissiener Willhoit suggested $556. per pupil, expenditure for each <br />school system with an additional $25,000 to each sdzool system's' capital outlay. <br />~e Gormty Attorney was asked.. to check into the possi)aility of a <br />tax district for EMS with the County being the distract. <br />Oorririissi,~*- Walker maven, seconded by CotmLissioner C~staveson, to <br />adjourn until 7:30 P.M..Tune 23, 1981. Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />Anne t~„•„~, Chair <br />Paulette Pz~idgen-F~nd, Clerk <br />