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2 <br />1 person. Additional reduction to meet the 50% goal by 2006 would require improvements in <br />2 recycling and waste prevention programs such as those described in the plan framework. A <br />3 means of paying for increased waste reduction programs would also have to be determined. The <br />4 Owners Group has adopted a goal of reducing solid waste landfilled per capita by 33% by 2001 <br />5 and 50% by 2006. They also have the framework of a plan for meeting those waste reduction <br />6 goals. The waste reduction plan framework for mixed solid waste includes the following elements: <br />7 <br />8 • Waste Prevention: This would include public education, differential landfill fees, non-economic <br />9 incentives, mandatory recycling and volume-based fees. <br />0 Collection: Urban areas would be served by universal recycling collection for residential, <br />1 commercial and apartments as well as for commercial recycling in unincorporated areas. For <br />2 the remainder of the unincorporated areas curbside recycling in relatively densely settled <br />3 subdivisions would continue. The current system of sanitation sites for solid waste and <br />4 recycling collection would also continue. He mentioned that universal commercial recycling <br />5 does not currently exist. It would be the biggest single new collection expense and also have <br />6 the greatest potential for increasing recycling. Solid waste collection would continue to be <br />7 under local government control. <br />8 Processina: If the amount and types of recyclables is increased significantly to reach the 50% <br />9 goal, then Orange County would need a processing facility to sort out the recyclables and <br />0 make them market-ready. Sorting and processing are especially important if we are ever to <br />1 achieve along-term stable market for mixed paper. <br />2 • Construction and demolition waste: Construction waste makes up approximately one-third of <br />3 the material that is landfilled. There is enormous potential in reducing the amount of <br />4 construction waste through recycling. The Owner's Group is recommending a 4% reduction <br />5 goal in this area by 2001. It will be necessary to open a sorting facility if the goal of 50% <br />6 reduction is to be reached by 2006. <br />7 • Financing_ Saving landfill space and conserving resources represent a significant financial <br />8 expense. Both the recycling and education programs are costly. These costs will likely be paid <br />9 by a combination of public and private funds. Private financing sources include tipping fees <br />0 and user fees paid by private waste haulers. The Owners Group is also recommending that <br />1 the materials recovery facility, and possibly a construction waste recovery facility be <br />2 constructed and operated by a private company under contract to Orange County. Possible <br />3 public financing sources include tipping fees paid by local governments, availability fees <br />4 assessed to County residents, and user fees paid either directly by County residents or by local <br />5 governments on behalf of their residents. This must be decided by local governments. If, as <br />6 expected, Orange County government assumes control of solid waste recycling and waste <br />7 reduction activities and responsibility for implementing the approved plan, the County <br />8 government would have primary responsibility for making these decisions. Municipal <br />9 governments would have a voice in these decisions through the solid waste advisory <br />0 committee. Municipal government would also retain the authority to make funding decisions <br />1 with regards to solid waste collection. <br />2 <br />3 QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS: <br />4 <br />5 B.B. Olive, a resident of Mount Sinai Road, Chapel Hill stated that the Landfill Owners <br />6 Group needs the public to understand and support the Solid Waste Plan. They also need to <br />7 satisfy the legal requirement to hold this Public Hearing. He made a request that the phrase <br />