Orange County NC Website
4 <br />development, community development and to support local industrial development activities and other <br />activities as deemed appropriate by their local govemments; and <br />WHEREAS, these funds are not intended to be used for payment of members' dues or assessments to Lead <br />Regional Organization or to supplant funds appropriated by the member govemments; and <br />WHEREAS, in the event that a request is not made by a unit of govemment for release of these funds to our <br />Regional Council, the available funds will revert to the State's General Funds; and <br />WHEREAS, in Region J funds in the amount of $48,015 will be used to carry out the economic development <br />plan approved by the COG Board of Delegates and especially to improve the economy of the counties and <br />towns of the Region by strengthening ties to and consequently benefits of the Research Triangle Park. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Orange County requests the release of its $7,123.60 share of <br />these funds to the Triangle J Council of Govemments at the earliest possible time in accordance with the <br />provisions of Chapter 324, House Bill 229, section 9.4 of the 1995 Session Laws. <br />VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />9. ITEMS FOR DECISION _ REGULAR AGENDA <br />a. New Hope S rp ings' Section Two -Amended Phasing Plan <br />Planner Emily Cameron presented for consideration of Board approval a revised phasing plan for <br />New Hope Springs Subdivision Section Two. The Preliminary Plan for New Hope Springs, Section Two was <br />approved by the Board of County Commissioners on September 6, 1994. In accordance with the provisions <br />of Section III-D-2-f of the Subdivision Regulations, the Planning Department re-approved the Preliminary Plan <br />in September 1995, since neither the subdivision design nor any condition of approval had changed. The <br />administrative re-approval expired on September 12, 1996. The applicant is now requesting an amendment <br />to the Phasing Plan to allow additional time for completing road improvements and recording final plats for <br />four (4) phases in Section Two. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the amended phasing plan for New Hope Springs, Section Two as stated below: <br />Phase A to be completed by September 30, 1997 <br />Phase B to be completed by September 30, 1999 <br />Phase C to be completed by September 30, 2001 <br />Phase D to be completed by September 30, 2003 <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Universi Manor Phase II Preliminary Plan <br />Planner Mary Willis presented for consideration of Board approval the Preliminary Plan for <br />University Manor Phase II. On May 20, the Planning Board approved afour--phase revised/consolidated <br />Concept Plan for 595 acres in the Stoney Creek Basin, in the vicinity of North Carolina 10, New Hope Church <br />Road and University Station Road. The consolidated Concept Plan included a total of 281 residential lots, a <br />30-acre park site to be dedicated to Orange County, and 167 acres to be preserved through conservation <br />easements. Phase II contains 118 acres and is located south of Rigsbee Road west of University Station <br />Road and the Southern Railroad. Sixty-one residential lots are proposed. <br />Discussion ensued on the location of the park and its proximity to the railroad tracks. It was <br />clarified that the park does fall within the Master Recreation and Parks Plan. Mary Willis noted that this is not <br />a designated area for mass transit. <br />Commissioner Gordon questioned the type of recreational activities that could be provided since <br />the site is not flat. The developer indicated that the slope is about 3%. <br />Mary Willis said that the School Board indicated they were not interested in this site for a school. <br />The estimated cost per dwelling is $275,000 with .33 children projected per house. <br />For the record, Commissioner Crowther does not feel that the park site is located appropriately <br />next to the railroad. <br />