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2 <br />In response to the concerns expressed by the Chapel Hill/Carrboro City Schools regarding <br />reduced funding in the early years of the Capital plan, it was suggested that bonds be sold in three <br />installments of $10 million, $20 million, and $10 million. This change reduces debt service <br />payments in the first several years of the plan thus freeing up funds for on-going projects. The <br />drawback of splitting the bonds into three separate bond sales is the issuance costs, which are <br />approximately $50,000 each sale. However, issuance fees have in the past been paid from interest <br />earnings on bond proceeds sold and not yet expended- Staff proposes to continue this practice. <br />The actual decision on the number and amount of each bond sale is based on cash flow <br />projections which are usually prepared by the project architects. Although the assumptions in this <br />plan seem reasonable to meet the cash flow requirements of the planned projects, staff will need <br />flexibility in how and when these bond sales are actually structured and carried out. <br />The long range funding plan includes bond funds for each school system for <br />renovations/school improvements. The plan includes $3,002,535 for CHCCS and $3,795,953 for <br />the Orange County Schools. In the plan as presented in September, these funds were projected to <br />be appropriated beginning in 1998-1999, with one third of the total amount included in each of the <br />next three years. Since bond proceeds will be available during fiscal year 1997-1998, the first year <br />of appropriation of these funds under Option 5B was advanced one year so that the funds <br />distributed would be more in line with the currently adopted Capital Improvements Plan. <br />The revised plan would have had about a one million dollar negative impact on the Orange <br />County Schools because of the difference in the peak year amount and the actual debt service <br />payment. To adjust for this impact, an additional $1 million in bond funds from the $5 million in <br />County bond funds will be allocated to the Orange County Schools. <br />The Board of Commissioners had earlier expressed concern about using the one cent that is <br />earmarked for a capital reserve account for County projects beginning in 1998-99. The only <br />funding source that could be identified to replace these lost funds for County projects is a one cent <br />increase in the general fund property tax rate. This tax increase would occur in 1998-99. <br />Copies of the slides used in this presentation are in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's <br />office. <br />The meeting was opened for questions and comments from the Board of Commissioners, members <br />of both School Boards and staff. Those comments follow. <br />• tt is not anticipated that there will by any negative impact on the school systems' schedule to <br />complete new facilities from the $10/20/10 sale of the bonds. <br />• There will be approximately $400 million dollars in statewide school bond funds available across <br />the state each year starting with 1997-98. <br />• An effort needs to be made to find the additional funds for County projects rather than the one <br />cent property tax increase. <br />• This plan is not cast in stone. For example, if the school population in Orange County grows <br />faster than currently anticipated there may need to be a reevaluation of the situation <br />• The Orange County School System would receive about $6 million dollars in State bond funds <br />which could be spent for any capital program identified as acceptable by the State. <br />