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7 <br />the lowest category with business storage, foster care, residential and private education and (2) increase the <br />maximum square footage to 35,000 square feet. <br />VOTE: AYES, 4; NOES, 1 (Commissioner Willhoit) <br />C. NORTH HILL SUBDIVISION -PRELIMINARY PLAN <br />Commissioner Crowther asked to be excused from voting on this item because he works for <br />the owners, Preservation of North Carolina. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />excuse Commissioner Crowther from voting on this item because of personal and financial interest in the <br />property. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />This property is located in Chapel Hill Township between Whitfield Road and Interstate 40 in <br />the Rural Buffer. The applicant proposes to subdivide a total of 75 acres into 19 new residential lots that <br />average 3.78 acres in size. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit to <br />approve the North Hill Subdivision in accordance with the Resolution of Approval as presented. <br />VOTE: AYES, 4; ABSTENTION, 1 <br />D. BID AWARDS -SOUTHERN HUMAN SERVICE CENTER <br />Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones summarized the information in the <br />agenda. In summary she said that bids were received and they were high. She listed those items which will <br />be deleted or altered from the original specifications. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to award <br />and authorize the chair to sign a contract, contingent upon Attorney Staff and Finish committee review, to the <br />following contractors for the construction of the Southern Human Services Center: <br />General Contractor. D. H. Griffin, Raleigh $ 2,623,670 <br />Electrical Contractor: Watson Electric, Graham $ 311,810 <br />Mechanical Contractor: Comfort Engineers, Durham $ 453,170 <br />Plumbing Contractor: Eakins Plumbing, Durham $ 101,300 <br />Total contracts $3,489,950 <br />and to authorize the Manager to execute change orders incidental to the completion of the project and to <br />authorize the Chair to sign on behalf of the Board. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />For the record the other bids received are listed below: <br />GENERAL CONTRACTOR <br />Bordeaux Const. Co. $ 3,380,000 <br />McDonald-York $ 3,235,000 <br />C. T. Wilson Const. $ 3,066,490 <br />ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR <br />Dorey Electric Co. $ 356,000 <br />Mid-Atlantic Electric $ 345,728 <br />Pendegraph Electric $ 365,000 <br />MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR <br />Cooper Oil Co. $ 637,000 <br />Southern Piping Co. $ 623,907 <br />PLUMBING CONTRACTOR <br />Brown Brothers P&H $ 124,573 <br />Triangle Mechanical $ 144,878 <br />