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6 <br />to OCIM for building construction) <br />VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />IX. ITEMS FOR DECISION -REGULAR AGENDA <br />A. PUBLIC SCHOOL IMPACT FEE <br />David Stancil briefly described this item. The technical report will be updated annually. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she supports the impact fee, however, it is not perfect and she hops that the <br />Board will be successful in obtaining the legislation needed to implement an impact tax. Impact Fees are just <br />one way to help pay for school construction. <br />Keith Cook spoke in support of increasing the impact fee to $3,000 for the Chapel Hill/Carrboro <br />School district. He noted there is cost to the community every time a new house is built. <br />S.A.M. Brooks, resident of Bingham Township, spoke against the impact fee. She feels this <br />fee creates an inequity between the two school systems. <br />Chair Carey noted that this impact fee is appropriate and should play a role in financing new <br />facilities for both school systems. There are many ways to look at the impact fee. He is committed to <br />financing the schools which are necessary for immediate needs and long-term needs. He supports <br />increasing the fee but not to the level of $3,000. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis wants to see buildings which serve the children. He wants buildings <br />which are functional, safe and practice economy of design. Construction is costly because wood prices seem <br />to continue to increase. The number of children coming into Orange County is increasing and the County <br />must provide the schools necessary. He has no problem with this $3,000 fee. <br />Commissioner Willhoit noted that the County got local legislation for the impact tax in 1993 and <br />delayed implementation for a year and then went with the impact fee in 1994. He questioned if there would <br />be support from the real estate community for an impact tax at this time instead of impact fee. He is most <br />sensitive to the issue for affordable housing. He is not aware of anyone taking the initiative to build <br />affordable housing. <br />Commissioner Crowther said that he does not endorse the $3,000 impact fee because of the <br />issue of affordable housing. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to set <br />the impact fee for the Chapel Hill/Carrboro School District at $3,000. <br />Chair Carey emphasized that the County needs to pursue the impact tax but cannot do so <br />during the short session. <br />VOTE: AYES, 3; NOES, 2 (Commissioners Carey and Crowther) <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />present a request to the legislative delegation for permission to implement an impact tax. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />B. FIRE INSPECTION PROGRAM FEE SCHEDULE <br />Assistant County Manager Rod Visser summarized the information in the agenda on this item. <br />Changes to the plan include a new tier for facilities with 0-1,000 square feet which reflects a reduction in fees <br />from 15% to 20% from the last proposal. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked that private educational facilities be placed in the lowest category <br />with business storage, foster care, residential and private education. She suggested that the maximum <br />square footage be increased to 35,000 square feet. <br />Jack Davis, owner of Mopaco, stated he feels that this fee should be paid from the County's <br />general fund. <br />Commissioner Willhoit questioned Commissioner Cordon's reason for placing private <br />educational facilities in the lowest category. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the fire inspection program as presented with two changes: (1) add private educational facilities to <br />