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2 <br />A. RECOGNITION OF THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SOUTH ORANGE RESCUE <br />SQUAD <br />Jeanette Smith, EMS Director in charge of Administrative Services, read the proclamation. <br />A motion was made by Chair Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to approve the <br />proclamation as stated below: <br />25th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION <br />SOUTH ORANGE EMS AND RESCUE SQUAD, INC. <br />June 15, 1996 <br />WHEREAS, South Orange EMS and Rescue Squad has provided volunteer emergency medical and <br />rescue services to the citizens of Orange County since June, 1971, and <br />WHEREAS, Volunteers have been able to keep up with ever increasing demands in training and <br />certification standards, and <br />WHEREAS, The citizens of Orange County benefit daily from the dedicated efforts, knowledge, and skills of <br />this team of emergency services personnel, and <br />WHEREAS, South Orange has also provided many hours of coverage for special gatherings and events in <br />their service area, and <br />WHEREAS, Providing these services has required thousands of hours of dedicated efforts by many <br />members over the years, and <br />WHEREAS, The Orange County Board of Commissioners publicly acknowledges their appreciation to <br />South Orange EMS and Rescue Squad, and all the individual members who have served both <br />past and present, <br />NOW, THEREFORE The Orange County Board of Commissioners hereby proclaims its gratitude as part of <br />the celebration of the 25th anniversary of South Orange EMS and Rescue Squad, and <br />encourages all citizens to express their appreciation to this squad for its contribution to the <br />EMS system in Orange County. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />B. EFLAND CHEEKS COMMUNITY SCHOOL PARK RESOLUTION <br />John Pringle, member of the Efland Cheeks Elementary School PTO and the United Voices of <br />Efland-Cheeks, said that these two groups have been working together to improve the recreation <br />opportunities at the school. They have both the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board and the School Board <br />support for building this community park. He asked that the County Commissioners adopt the resolution and <br />become a full partner in this effort. Bob Jones stated that this project does fit in with the Master Recreation <br />and Parks Plan. Commissioner Halkiotis feels this is a wonderful opportunity to do something for the Efland- <br />Cheeks community and something that should be an enhancement to both the school system and the <br />community. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit to <br />approve the resolution as stated below. <br />EFLAND-CHEEKS COMMUNITY SCHOOL PARK RESOLUTION <br />WHEREAS, The United Voices of Efland-Cheeks, acommunity-based organization of citizens and <br />residents, and the Efland-Cheeks Elementary PTO have proposed the development of an <br />Efland-Cheeks School and Community Park; and <br />WHEREAS, This proposed park would utilize the existing land and facilities of the Efland-Cheeks <br />Elementary School and the Efland-Cheeks Community Center; and <br />WHEREAS, The park will serve as a focal point for family and community recreation, as well as a <br />recreation/education center for the members of the Efland-Cheeks School community; and <br />WHEREAS, The park will include supervised recreational activities for young children, teens and seniors, <br />as well as facilities for adult recreation and family outings; and <br />