Orange County NC Website
2 <br />PUELIC CHARGE <br />Chair Carey dispensed with the reading of the public charge. <br />III. HOARD COMMENTS <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked that the County look at a <br />consolidated meeting/activity calendar so that multiple meetings are not <br />scheduled for the same day or evening. He also asked that a traffic study <br />be requested at the new A. L. Stanback School. <br />IV. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT - NONE <br />V. RESOLUTIONS/PROCLAMATIONS <br />A. RESOLUTION TO OPPOSE SITING OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE FACILITY <br />Chair Carey introduced this item noting that at the last meeting <br />the Board considered this resolution. They decided to send a letter to <br />Congressman Heineman requesting that he introduce legislation that would <br />modify the federal Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act to address local <br />concerns. The Board requested that the resolution be brought back to this <br />meeting for further consideration. <br />Rod Visser said that the staff at the Low-Level Radioactive Waste <br />Authority have indicated that because a site has been selected, the host <br />county can negotiate with the Authority any issues related to <br />transportation routes and other concerns expressed by other counties. In <br />terms of general routes, most of the waste transported within the United <br />States is transported on regular tractor-trailers that indicate they are <br />carrying low-level radioactive waste and the transportation routes are not <br />regulated. Some of the other low-level radioactive waste with higher <br />concentrations are carried by special trucks referred to ws cask trucks and <br />are overweight trucks limited to certain roads. <br />Commissioner Gordon emphasized that the resolution will send a <br />message that Orange County is very concerned about this facility and the <br />routes going through the County. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis feels it is the responsibility of the County <br />Commissioners to urge Congressman Heineman to bring about some meaningful <br />change and look beyond just saying that it is not wanted, but to look at <br />alternatives of nuclear power. <br />CITIZEN COMMENTS <br />Mary McDowell, resident of Orange County and for five years a member <br />and staff support for Chatham County's Preferred Site Local Advisory <br />Committee on Radioactive Waste, shared information they have learned about <br />this site. She feels that transportation routes must be addressed after <br />the site is licensed. She summarized a report done by a consultant on the <br />transportation risk assessment as part of the license application for this <br />facility. She shared with the Board the map that shows the routes <br />considered by Chem-Nuclear in their license application and the routes that <br />may be considered by the truckers who haul the waste. She said they did <br />not consider waste going through Orange County. In answer to a question <br />from Commissioner Willhoit, Ms. McDowell said that the transportation <br />assessment did not consider that the waste going to Oakridge for <br />incineration will be coming in from I-40 from the west. She noted that <br />there are now at least three other alternatives where waste could <br />potentially be sent from North Carolina. <br />