Orange County NC Website
5 <br />Commissioner Crowther indicated that he supported Commissioner Willhoit `s <br />suggestions about buffering the landfill. <br />Council Member Powell also spoke in support of using an employment campus to buffer <br />the landfill and suggested that rather than enlarge it for this purpose, it could be resized. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis mentioned that Charlotte has used the old landfill to build a <br />municipal golf course. There are many creative uses for this land which need to be explored <br />before decisions are made. . <br />Chair Carey asked if there was consensus on the suggestion that a decision about the <br />Northwest area plan be delayed until the decision is made about the Greene Tract. <br />Council Member Evans asked why the decision about the employment campus north of <br />Eubanks road should be delayed until after decisions on the Greene Tract . There appears to <br />be consensus on the use of the parcel north of Eubanks. <br />Council Member Protzman answered that the decision could preclude other decisions. <br />He asked what would happen to this area if the landfill is not sited for five years. <br />Alderman Anderson mentioned that the County has a master plan which calls for a <br />District Park in the general areas of the Greene tract. The Recreation Committee has <br />discussed the school park concept. If the Greene Tract was used for that purpose, Orange <br />County could greatly improve recreational services to their citizens. <br />Council Member Brown mentioned that the public has been involved in this planning <br />process and will need to be included in any changes suggested at this meeting. She also <br />suggested creating a list of all public needs and prioritizing those needs. <br />Council Member Chilton suggested that the Landfill Owners Group could take <br />responsibility for this process including making recommendations on uses of the Green Tract. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if there was consensus that the use of the Greene Tract <br />needed to be decided prior to proceeding with the Northwest area plan. The Landfill Owners <br />Group could be charged with a leadership role in determining uses for the Greene Tract. <br />Commissioner Willhoit stated that the landfill site needed to be chosen prior to planning <br />for either the Greene Tract or the Northwest area. He felt that the landfill siting would be the <br />first decision, then the Greene Tract and finally the Northwest Small Area Plan. <br />Mayor Broun agreed with this order of action if it was referring to the initial agreement on <br />the landfill site. <br />Commissioner Willhoit stated that the Landfill Owners Group intends to discuss the final <br />decision on siting at the next meeting. After the preferred site is selected, the process for <br />proceeding will be developed. After the process has been developed would be an appropriate <br />time to discuss other issues of development. <br />