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6 <br />the bird hunters or rabbit hunters. He feels it is discrimination. He <br />feels this law will not stop the house dog from going on other property. <br />He was told that the Animal Control Ordinance controls the house dog. He <br />said there are fifty people who have ten dogs each and he asked if the <br />pound could handle all these dogs if they are not allowed for hunting. <br />Their hunting club has a law that they use buckshot only. The hunting <br />clubs are already policing their members. <br />LARRY PRUSS said that one thing that prompted this proposal was a <br />complaint from a person who found an arrow on her property. This person <br />knows nothing about hunting and he can't believe the Board wants to change <br />the laws because of someone like that. He considers tree stands and the <br />use of center-fired rifles only from deer stands totally unfair. He feels <br />hunting will be severely limited if a person must shoot from a deer stand <br />only. With reference to #3, he would like for a separate board to make <br />this determination. He feels that posting property if hunting is allowed <br />is ridiculous. He feels that people should be required to have written <br />permission or not hunt. He feels that nothing needs to be changed. He <br />would consider it a form of harassment if he had to take a hunting course <br />after hunting for 44 years. He feels there should be no restrictions on <br />shotguns, rifles or slugs. The hunters know where the houses are and are <br />not going to shot toward a house. <br />PHILLIP PENNELL said that the hunters bring a lot of money into the <br />County and that two weeks ago they had a world qualifying hunt with 500 <br />hunters from across the country. He does not support any of the proposals <br />although he is not really opposed to #2. He said that slugs are far more <br />dangerous than buckshot. He apologized for the bad hunters. He said that <br />hunters are not all bad. They are trying to keep the youth out of drugs. <br />He asked that the Board get some professional advice before making a <br />decision on these proposed changes. <br />DONNA DUPONT, mother and wife living in northern Orange County, <br />stated that while walking in the woods, they heard a bullet that came <br />within a foot of her son. She doesn't support slugs because they travel a <br />greater distance and are faster. She supports tree stands but noted that <br />people must be careful not to fall asleep. They have no trouble with dogs <br />on her property. Her concern is that their no-hunting signs were sprayed <br />over in gray. When hunting season starts, she has to keep her little boy <br />in the house. She does not believe these are hunters from Orange County <br />but are hunters from other counties. She supports the hunting classes. <br />EARL BROWN said that he feels all the proposals being made are made <br />in the idea of safety but rules and regulations don't make safety. The <br />safety will have to come from the hunters. He does not support #1 or #2. <br />He feels the posting regulations should remain as is. He agrees with the <br />safety classes. He showed a shotgun pellet and a 12-gauge slug. The 12- <br />gauge slug was larger than the buckshot. He stated that the Caldwell <br />Hunting Club has for three years disallowed the use of rifles while dog <br />hunting. The Club was formed in 1979 for the purpose of having organized <br />