Minutes - 19950920
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19950920
Entry Properties
Last modified
1/7/2015 9:14:14 AM
Creation date
4/12/2010 12:55:19 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 09-20-1995
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1995\Agenda - 09-20-95
Agenda - 09-20-1995 - IX-A
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1995\Agenda - 09-20-95
Agenda - 09-20-1995 - IX-B
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Agenda - 09-20-1995 - IX-C
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Agenda - 09-20-1995 - IX-D
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Agenda - 09-20-1995 - IX-E
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Agenda - 09-20-1995 - V-A
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1995\Agenda - 09-20-95
Agenda - 09-20-1995 - VII-A
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1995\Agenda - 09-20-95
Agenda - 09-20-1995 - VIII-A
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Agenda - 09-20-1995 - VIII-B
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Agenda - 09-20-1995 - VIII-C
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9 <br />1 C. ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE OCT. 11, 1995 JPA PUBLIC HEARING <br />2 Planner Gene Bell presented for consideration of approval the <br />advertisement for the October 11, 1995 JPA Public Hearing. There will <br />also be a 5:30 meeting to discuss the Greene tract which is a component of <br />the Northwest Small Area Plan. <br />6 Commissioner Gordon made reference to a Chapel Hill Town Council <br />7 work session she and Commissioner Crowther attended and said that there <br />8 are many questions about the Greene tract that are still unanswered. She <br />9 feels that the Board of County Commissioners need to discuss some of these <br />10 things to develop a position and suggested that this discussion take place <br />11 on October 2. <br />12 Commissioner Crowther said that the Council had not seen the <br />13 Northwest Small Area Plan with the landfill included and he feels it <br />14 important to include this option. <br />15 Commissioner Willhoit feels it would be premature to adopt a <br />16 plan until a landfill site is chosen. It doesn't make sense to adopt a <br />17 Land Use Plan that calls for rezoning property that will need to be <br />18 acquired. Part of the agreement when establishing the landfill was that <br />19 it would be used for recreation.: However, because of the steep slopes and <br />20 the fact that there are only certain kinds of activities that can we done <br />21 on a fill area, this may not be feasible. <br />22 John Link said that the reason the administration feels the <br />23 public hearing would be useful is that it would provide an opportunity for <br />24 the members of the governing bodies to articulate concerns they have for <br />25 the record. <br />26 After an extended discussion, the Board agreed that a public <br />hearing on the Northwest Small Area Plan would be premature. A motion was <br />made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to not <br />29 approve the Notice of the JPA Public Hearing for October 11, 1995. <br />30 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />31 <br />32 A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by <br />33 Commissioner Crowther to have a work session at 5:30 p.m. on October 11, <br />34 1995 in the OWASA community meeting room to discuss (1) the Greene Tract <br />35 and (2) the Northwest Small Area Plan including the landfill and also not <br />36 including the landfill. <br />37 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />38 <br />39 D. 1995-96 COIrIIr1ISSIONERS' GOALS <br />40 John Link presented for Board comments the 1995-96 <br />41 Commissioners' Goals. <br />42 Commissioner Gordon said that her view of the Commissioners' <br />43 goals is that it is part of the budget process which begins in December <br />44 and ends in June upon adoption of the budget. Since the goals guide the <br />45 budget process, she feels that the goals need to be adopted before the <br />46 budget is done. She prefers, as a process, to approve the goals no later <br />47 than May and have an update in August. <br />48 The Commissioners decided by consensus that the schedule for <br />49 adoption of Commissioners' goals and objectives in the future will be: <br />50 Adoption of Board of County Commissioners Goals and <br />Objectives - around March <br />Possible Amendment of Goals - June, before or at the same <br />53 time the budget is adopted <br />54 Update - August <br />55 Commissioner Willhoit requested that a goal be added to Human <br />56 Services on "How to structure for reform to position Orange County to deal <br />
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