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11 <br />1 Commissioner Willhoit said that the County agreed to plan and <br />2 Commissioner Crowther said that Hillsborough must take the initiative. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the Historic Preservation <br />goal and the revision to the Land Use Plan so that historic sites would be <br />5 preserved and said that she could not find that written in that goal. <br />6 Marvin Collins explained that the inventory must be done first and then an <br />7 ordinance can be developed. <br />8 Commissioner Gordon suggested that on page four of the <br />9 Transportation Planning goal that the milestones be written more as <br />10 overall tasks rather than a task of a particular individual. She asked <br />11 that an addition be made to the first task to include briefing the Board <br />12 of County Commissioners' member of the TAC on the results of the meeting. <br />13 She asked why County staff is also serving as the transportation planner <br />14 for the Town of Hillsborough and if the County staff is being paid by <br />15 Hillsborough. Marvin Collins explained that a lot of the area in the <br />16 proposed thoroughfare plan is either in the ETJ or the County. <br />17 Commissioner Halkiotis asked for a report on what the County is <br />18 doing for the Town of Hillsborough. <br />19 Commissioner Gordon made reference to the goal on Watershed <br />20 Protection. She feels this goal is completely misnamed because the whole <br />21 goal on Watershed Protection has been done and what is new relates to non- <br />22 residential uses which should be placed under economic development. <br />23 With reference to the Water and Sewer System Development - <br />24 expansion of the Efland Sewer System, it seems to Commissioner Gordon that <br />25 these additions are new and she would like to see this brought up on a <br />26 regular agenda so the Board of County Commissioners could discuss it when <br />Chair Carey is present. She would like to see the new items, especially <br />on pages six and eight brought back to the next meeting as a regular <br />29 agenda item to be discussed. <br />30 With reference to Water and Sewer Services, Commissioner Gordon <br />31 did not understand the way this was written. On page 2, some of the <br />32 things are listed as completed. She asked what happened to the fiscal <br />33 impact analysis of utility provision to designated sites which indicates <br />34 completion date of October, 1993. <br />35 John Link said that this entire goal has to do with the Water <br />36 and Sewer Boundary Committee and he will followup on what this particular <br />37 milestone tried to address. This goal is simply trying to describe what <br />38 went on with that particular group and the report to the governing bodies. <br />39 Commissioner Gordon does not see that the water and sewer boundary has <br />40 anything to do with the financial options for providing water, sewer, gas <br />41 and other basic utilities to designated areas. These two items -- Water <br />42 and Sewer Boundary Task Force and the financial options -- seems <br />43 disjointed. These will be brought back with further information. <br />44 On equitable school funding, the first goal under education, <br />45 Commissioner Gordon asked if these are all new goals and if the whole <br />46 business of redefining equity is gone. John Link explained that this is <br />47 simply a carryover of previous discussions. Since this is basically Board <br />48 policy, there is nothing new and it may need to be deleted. <br />49 Commissioner Gordon feels the County should pursue equal current <br />50 expense funding including the definition because they always approve the <br />budget without the definition. John Link said that the items on the left <br />hand side of that page have been accomplished and should be crossed out <br />53 because there have not been any new initiatives for addressing those <br />54 issues. The only thing new is continuation of the Board of County <br />55 Commissioners to address equity either by raising or maintaining the <br />56 district tax. It is the responsibility of the Board to define equity. <br />