Orange County NC Website
<br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by <br />Commissioner Crowther to approve funding for this study from the <br />Commissioners' Contingency Fund for $10,000. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />ADDED ITEM - WOOD PROCESSING PLANTS <br />Commissioner Crowther said that it has come to his attention <br />that within the next few months there will be three wood processing <br />mills opening up north of Orange County that will require a large <br />amount of timber to supply their needs. He feels that the projected <br />impact on Orange County should be addressed as soon as possible. <br />Chair Carey said that he feels that we need to be able to <br />monitor what is happening with regards to logging in the area and he <br />asked for a report from Staff on possible options for reducing the <br />impacts on Orange County. <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked that the Staff check with the North <br />Carolina Department of Commerce to see if they know to what extent <br />these companies will use recycled fiber in their products. He also <br />suggested that the Staff and Orange Recycling explore the potential for <br />a market for mixed paper products. This could be an opportunity for a <br />market for mixed paper. A report will be prepared for the Board of <br />County Commissioners retreat in December. <br />X. REPORTS <br />A. COUNTY INNOVATION AND EFFICIENCY COMMITTEE <br />Chair Carey asked if the Board wants to pursue a survey and <br />use that survey as a starting point for targeting the work of this <br />group. His intent is to focus this group on improving productivity. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she is not sure a survey is <br />needed. She has no reason to believe that the service to citizens is <br />bad or that the morale is low. Her interest is in cost savings and/or <br />efficiency but not reducing services or hurting morale. She feels that <br />the Department Heads and the Board can meet this objective without a <br />survey. <br />Commissioner Willhoit suggested asking the Manager to identify <br />some areas where the committee might want to focus. He wants it to be <br />manager directed and focus on areas that the manager would recommend. <br />Commissioner Crowther said he is against forming another <br />standing committee. Perhaps they could meet for a specified number of <br />months and then continue next year for a specified number of months. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis feels that any organization needs to be <br />analyzed periodically by the people they serve. He feels it needs to <br />be directed by the Board of County Commissioners and the Manager with <br />some involvement from the Department Heads. <br />John Link said that three months will not be enough time for <br />this committee to do their work. Efficiency will need to be defined. <br />Also, the outcome will need to be clearly specified. He asked the <br />Board to review the survey done in Lincoln County. This was a way that <br />they involved the citizens who directly use the services they offer. <br />