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5 <br />This item was moved to the end of the Consent Agenda for <br />further discussion. <br />VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA <br />G. RENEWAL OF SHERIFF-UNC SPECIAL EVENTS COVERAGE AGREEMENT <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by <br />Commissioner Willhoit to approve the proposed contract, authorize the <br />Manager to sign and continue to review the renewal of the contract each <br />academic year. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />I. PHASE I CHARLES' WOODS SUBDIVISION - PRELIMINARY PLAN <br />Commissioner Gordon requested that she be provided the <br />complete fiscal impact analysis for this subdivision. Future agenda <br />packets will include information on the cost of the lots within the <br />subdivision that is analyzed. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by <br />Commissioner Crowther to approve the Preliminary Plan for Phase I <br />Charles` Woods Subdivision as presented in the agenda abstract. The <br />property is located on the east side of Dumont Drive in Eno Township. <br />Fifteen lots are proposed from 18.77 acres. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />IX. ITEMS FOR DECISION (REGULAR AGENDA) <br />A. ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENT FOR MARION & NANCY WILSON <br />Planner Mary Willis presented for consideration of approval <br />the rezoning of a .92 acre parcel from EC-5 Existing Commercial to RB <br />Rural Residential. She noted that on November 2, 1993, the Board of <br />County Commissioners approved the rezoning of .92 acre portion of a 6- <br />acre lot located on the west side of Ferguson Road, between Old <br />Greensboro Highway and Jones Ferry Road, from Rural Buffer (RB) to <br />Existing Commercial (EC-5). The decision to rezone the property was <br />appealed to Superior Court. The Court ruled the evidence submitted <br />during the public hearing was insufficient to justify the rezoning of <br />the property and remanded the case (sent it back) to the Board of <br />Commissioners for further consideration. <br />Henry Wilson, owner of the property in question, said that he <br />feels there is reasonable doubt and that this property was used for <br />automotive repair prior to September, 1981. Grainger Barrett, attorney <br />for Buz Lloyd, distributed information noting that everything points to <br />the fact that this property was a junk yard and not an automotive <br />repair shop at the time this area was zoned on September 2, 1981. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by <br />Commissioner Willhoit that the property be rezoned to RB (Rural Buffer) <br />on the basis that the property was in use as a junkyard when Bingham <br />Township was initially zoned, and junkyards are not a permitted use in <br />the EC-5 zoning district. <br />