Orange County NC Website
' 5 <br />1 WHEREAS, on July 26, 1995 the County received a report from its <br />2 consultants indicating that Time Warner's said filing was in compliance <br />3 with Federal Communications Commission procedures, allowing for the <br />4 adjustment of basic cable service rates based on external cost factors; <br />5 and <br />6 WHEREAS, Orange County has authority to regulate basic service rates <br />7 assessed by Time Warner Cable, Cablevision of Chapel Hill, serving <br />8 franchise NC-0276, Orange County. <br />9 IT IS A FINDING: That Time Warner Cable has justified the adjustment of <br />10 its basic tier service rates based on external cost factors. <br />11 VOTE: AYES, 4; NOS, 1 (Commissioner Halkiotis) <br />12 <br />13 D. RESOLUTION OF COOPERATIVE EFFORT TO DEVELOP A_ PARK <br />14 A motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by <br />15 Commissioner Gordon to approve the resolution as stated below: <br />16 <br />17 RESOLUTION OF COOPERATIVE EFFORT TO DEVELOP A PARK <br />18 WHEREAS, on May 17, 1995, the Orange County Board of Commissioners and <br />19 the Hillsborough Town Commissioners endorsed a cooperative effort to <br />20 develop a park south of the New Courthouse on county property; and <br />21 WHEREAS, interest has been expressed by the Hillsborough Chamber of <br />22 Commerce and the Hillsborough Historic Alliance to participate in such <br />23 a project; and <br />24 WHEREAS, such an effort will increase recreational opportunities for <br />25 the citizens of Hillsborough and Orange County. <br />26 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of <br />27 Commissioners and the Hillsborough Town Commissioners hereby establish <br />28 a work group consisting of two (2) representatives from each of the <br />29 following: <br />30 The Town of Hillsborough <br />31 Orange County <br />32 The Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce <br />33 The Alliance for Historic Hillsborough <br />34 <br />35 AND FURTHERMORE, that this work group will be charged with <br />36 developing a Park Scope and Plan with financing alternatives and a <br />37 projected budget which does not require county money for capital <br />38 expenditures. <br />39 AND FURTHERMORE, that the Town Manager, County Manager and <br />40 respective staff with assistance from the State Planning Office support <br />41 the efforts of the work group. <br />42 AND FINALLY, that the work group report on its efforts within <br />43 six months of this resolution's adoption. <br />44 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />45 <br />46 VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE <br />47 <br />48 VIII. ITEMS FOR DECISION (CONSENT AGENDA) <br />49 A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by <br />50 Commissioner Crowther to approve those items on the Consent Agenda as <br />51 listed below: <br />52 A. APPOINTMENTS <br />53 Private Industry Council - Gloria Williams, Kathy Lafone, <br />54 Onie Lee-Cameron and Bobbie Vaughn were reappointed for a three year <br />55 term <br />