Orange County NC Website
VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />4 <br />D. RESOLUTION GRANTING THE CABLEVISION INDUSTRIES THE CONSENT TO <br />TRANSFER CABLE SYSTEM TO TIME WARNER, INC. <br />Cablevision Industries has requested the transfer of its CATV <br />franchise and control of its cable system to Time Warner. Bob Gwyn, Chair <br />of the Cable TV Citizen Advisory Committee and Bob Sepe, Consultant from <br />Triangle J Council of Governments outlined their concerns which are listed <br />in the agenda and in the resolution as stated below. Bob Gwyn emphasized <br />that the role of the Advisory Committee is to protect the interest of the <br />citizens in Orange County. He asked that the Board of County <br />Commissioners approve the resolution contingent upon Time Warner, Inc. <br />doing what the resolution stipulates. <br />Chuck Anderson from Cablevision Industries asked that the <br />resolution be approved without the conditions and requirements as stated <br />in the resolution. He said that they are confined by the Ordinance to <br />provide services and sees no need for the conditions. <br />Barry Wilson, Senior Vice-president of Cablevision Industries <br />said that if the resolution cannot be approved without the conditions that <br />he be allowed additional time to work with the County to resolve the <br />issues and concerns. They agree with the first two paragraphs but not the <br />remainder of the resolution. <br />Chair Carey said that the reason for having a committee is to go <br />through the financial documents and give them a recommendation. With <br />regards to passing the cost through to the consumers, they will at least <br />have a choice. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Chair <br />Carey to adopt the resolution as attached to these minutes on pages <br />granting the consent of Orange County to the transfer of <br />control of Alert Cable TV of North Carolina, Inc. and its cable television <br />system from Cablevision Industries Corporation to Time Warner, Inc. <br />VOTE: AYES, 4; NOS, 1 (Commissioner Crowther) <br />E. INDUSTRIAL RAIL ACCESS FOR BUILDERS' SUPPLY <br />Ted Abernathy, Economic Development Director, asked the Board of <br />County Commissioners to consider a Resolution of Support for an industrial <br />project in Orange County's portion of Mebane's extra-territorial <br />jurisdiction that has been allocated 50~ funding for rail spur <br />installation by the NC Dept. of Transportation, Rail Division. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Crowther, seconded by Chair <br />Carey to approve the Resolution of Support for the proposed Mebane <br />location of Builders' Supply and Lumber Company, Inc. as stated below: <br />RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF BUILDERS' SUPPLY AND LUMBER <br />USING NCDOT RAIL INDUSTRIAL ACCESS FUNDS FOR THE <br />ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INDUSTRIAL FACILITY IN ORANGE COUNTY <br />WHEREAS, Orange County supports business and industrial development in <br />appropriately zoned locations throughout the County; and <br />WHEREAS, Builders' Supply and Lumber proposes to develop a 21.5 acre tract <br />of land along E. Washington Street in Mebane's ETJ as a manufacturing and <br />