Orange County NC Website
21 <br /> identified on the master plan, pending further assessment. A report on a <br /> recommended location for this facility would be forthcoming, using the <br /> 2007 Cool Jazz festival as a barometer. Staff will also test the decibel <br /> level for 1-40 traffic noise at the three spots, and looking at orientation <br /> toward the sun and handicap-accessibility. <br /> ❑ The primary parking for the park would be located off of a roundabout <br /> near the Parks Operation Base, and run north-south along the edge of <br /> the northeastern farm field. A future connection to the proposed service <br /> road would be available for special events or as needed. One spur from <br /> the roundabout would run north to a second parking area north of the <br /> pond and the north-central field. <br /> ❑ It is recommended that the northeastern field (south of the roundabout) <br /> be dedicated for use as a community garden, the details of which will <br /> need to be addressed in the future. <br /> ❑ Orange County currently has no education or nature centers. With much <br /> potential for education at this park, the Committee felt that this would be <br /> a good location for a Learning Center (i.e., educational facility). The <br /> proposed Learning Center would be located near the pond and <br /> wetlands, and also have an adjoining playground. The Learning Center <br /> is envisioned as a structure that could include hands-on exhibits about <br /> farm life, environmental education, energy use, historic resources, and a <br /> variety of other activities, with an indoor and outdoor classrooms and <br /> perhaps an office. <br /> ❑ An informal multi-purpose field would be provided for in the westernmost <br /> part of the site, along 1-40. This field would be open for a variety of uses. <br /> ❑ Pedestrian access is very important within the park. Some of the <br /> proposed activity centers require a substantial walk, necessitating <br /> careful planning of the trail network. The planned trails are primarily <br /> natural surface and connect the different components of the park or loop <br /> certain features (such as the pond or vista). Signage (interpretive and <br /> other) is suggested to make the trails a learning experience as well as <br /> recreational. The trail network should serve to discourage unnecessary <br /> driving within the site. External access (NC 86 pedestrian and bike <br /> access) is a concern and will need to be addressed with NCDOT, which <br /> has to date expressed concerns about any pedestrian access across NC <br /> 86. Also, bike lanes approaching the park would critical to encourage <br /> non-vehicular connectivity opportunities envisioned by the County. <br /> ❑ The potential for a mountain bike trail within the northwestern forested <br /> area is recommended for further exploration. There is also substantial <br /> 16 <br />