Agenda - 04-13-2010 - 1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-13-2010 - Work Session
Agenda - 04-13-2010 - 1
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Last modified
10/27/2015 11:02:13 AM
Creation date
4/9/2010 4:25:26 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 04-13-2010
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19 <br /> V. Recommended Master Plan and Rationale <br /> In its deliberations about the master plan for the park, the Committee discussed a <br /> wide range of possible uses and activities. This future park is in a unique central <br /> location between our largest population centers in Orange County. This makes it <br /> a key destination and resource for many Orange County residents by foot, bike, <br /> auto and transit. As a unique site, this discussion required considerable definition <br /> of terms and explanation of potential uses that go beyond the typical park master <br /> plan list of facilities. The nature of the discussions required some degree of <br /> consideration of the eventual themes and uses of the park. This master plan was <br /> also unique in another way — in that this is a plan for a park that does not have <br /> current funding for construction. <br /> The Master Plan Committee proposes the following as "givens" — facilities or <br /> themes that are understood or cross many different topics and facility <br /> discussions: <br /> "Givens" <br /> 1. The park should retain and rehabilitate the historic farmstead buildings <br /> as a key component of the park. <br /> 2. Natural resources, including streams and buffer areas should be <br /> preserved within the site, as shown in the plan. <br /> 3. The future park entrance road and future Parks Operation Base should <br /> be located in the northeast corner of the site, both for ease of access <br /> and to provide visual and physical separation from the scenic vista and <br /> farmstead. Future road connections to the north and south are also <br /> provided for in the design. <br /> 4. The existing driveway on NC 86 is constructed on a narrow causeway <br /> from fill material and has line of sight concerns. This driveway is <br /> proposed for use as a service entrance only (except for special <br /> occasions as a secondary exit). <br /> 5. To the extent possible, the historic Chapel Hill-Hillsborough Road should <br /> be left undisturbed, with signage to denote its location and where trails <br /> and other amenities cross the road or ate nearby. <br /> 6. The scenic vista between New Hope Church Road and the farmstead <br /> should be retained and kept in some type of agricultural use that reflects <br /> the scenic nature of the viewshed and site. <br /> 7. The natural area in the southwest corner of the site should be protected <br /> and left in its current state, with a loop trail around the site. <br /> 8. Some portions of the site should be left available for as yet <br /> undetermined future uses, as other opportunities and facilities become <br /> desired in the future. <br /> 9. Pedestrian access among the different nodes of activity on the site <br /> should be provided by connecting trails and loop trails. <br /> 10. Picnic tables, benches and small open spaces should be interspersed at <br /> strategic locations across the site. <br /> 14 <br />
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