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which can be justified by the increase in student enrollment. The <br />Board recognizes the fact that they do not have the technical data to <br />justify a sliding scale. Commissioner Halkiotis feels that some <br />responsibility for growth needs to be put on the developers. He still <br />supports a moritorium on development but feels it may be difficult to <br />get the municipalities to agree. Commissioner Crowther supports an <br />impact TAX whereby all segments of growth pay including the University <br />and industry. Chair Carey emphasized that a comprehensive plan for <br />accommodating growth needs to be developed including funding for new <br />schools and facilities. Commissioner Halkiotis supports uniform <br />building standards. Commissioner Willhoit suggested a five-cents <br />property tax for purchasing property for future schools and facilities. <br />He feels it is the school boards' responsibility to identify the sites <br />but money needs to be available for purchasing these sites when they <br />are identified. Also, a five-cents property tax increase would bring <br />attention to the severity of the situation. If the Board decided to go <br />for a bond issue, the five-cents could be used for debt service. It <br />was decided that the technical report needs to be updated now. John <br />Link suggested updating the technical report and holding a public <br />hearing in May. Commissioner Gordon noted that the debt service for <br />the bonds sold after the 1992 bond referendum cost 11 cents on the tax <br />rate rather than the projected 15 cents, a savings of four cents on the <br />tax rate. She would like for the County to adopt a comprehensive long- <br />term financing plan for school construction which includes the costs of <br />the schools needed and methods to pay for them (eg. sales tax, impact <br />fees, bonds, etc.) Chair Carey expressed reservation in supporting a <br />tax increase because of the other County needs and projects. <br />John Link summarized that the County tax rate is 88.5 cents and he <br />expects to add four cents to pay for the bonds approved by the voters <br />which will bring the tax rate to 92.5 cents. Evaluation will take <br />place in 1997. <br />The Board agreed that they don't need to wait for schools to <br />identify sites for future schools before allocating money. They agreed <br />that an overall plan needs to be developed. Neil Pedersen, <br />Superintendent for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools, said that sites <br />have not been identified. They do know where growth will occur and he <br />will provide the Commissioners a copy of that report. Geof Gledhill <br />said that the key is identifying property on undeveloped land. <br />Commissioner Willhoit suggested having developers identify sites within <br />large developments so that the site can be idenified in the plan that <br />is approved by Chapel Hill or Carrboro. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Crowther, Neil Pedersen <br />said that they are going to move toward zero-based budgeting. However, <br />they still need to define what is meant by zero-based budgeting. This <br />will be an item for the next work session with the schools. <br />It was decided that the impact fee increase would not be on the <br />next agenda but that the Board will consider the other amendments to <br />this ordinance. A public hearing will be held on the impact fee -- the <br />maximum that the technical report will support -- on May 25, 1995 in <br />Superior Courtroom. The Board may choose to take action on that <br />evening or at their next regular meeting of June 5. <br />II. DISCUSSION Q~ COMPOSITION AND CHARGE OF WORK GROOP TO ADDRESS <br />SCHOOL CONSTRIICTION STANDARDS <br />