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5 <br />L. PETITION FOR ABANDONMENT OF MAINTENANCE - DUKE FOREST ROAD CHAPEL <br />HILL TOWNSHIP <br />This item was corrected to indicate that this is not an extension <br />of Murphy Road as stated in the agenda. A motion was made by Commissioner <br />Crowther, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit to approve the abandonment of <br />maintenance on a portion of Duke Forest road, SR 1716 from the State- <br />maintained road system. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />IX. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />A. RESCUE SOUAD GRANT MATCHING FUNDS <br />The Board was requested to consider a request from the Orange <br />County Rescue Squad and South Orange Rescue Squad to provide matching funds <br />for rescue equipment grants approved by the Department of Insurance. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by <br />Commissioner Crowther to approve a "Rescue Equipment Capital Project", to be <br />funded with an appropriation of $30,000 from County Capital Project Fund <br />Balance with $10,000 designated for each rescue squad and $10,000 to be used <br />for high priority rescue equipment/training to support the "centralized <br />resource" concept outlined in the September, 1994 staff report. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />B. APPOINTMENTS TO STONEY CREER BASIN PLANNING GROUP <br />Commissioner Gordon noted that she was pleased that the <br />commissioners were going to appoint citizens to this group. John Link <br />suggested that after appointments are made that a smaller group be appointed <br />to work out the details. This group could include two County Commissioners, <br />two Town of Hillsborough members and the two Planning Board Chairs. <br />After extended discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner <br />Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Crowther to ask the Town of Hillsborough to <br />confirm their participation on this Planning Group and to approve the <br />appointments of the following elected and appointed officials: <br />Stephen Halkiotis, Don Willhoit - representing BOCC <br />Clint Burklin and Cherie Rosemond - representing the Orange County <br />Planning Board (Clint Burklin will remain on this committee after his term <br />expires on the Planning Board) <br />Bob Hall - representing the Economic Development Commission <br />Keith Cook - Orange County School Board <br />Judson Edeburn - representing Duke Forest <br />Bill Bracey - representing Triangle Land Conservancy <br />Commissioner Gordon offered an amendment to this motion to separate <br />the vote on the appointments from the request for Hillsborough to appoint two <br />members from their Board and two members from their Planning Board. <br />VOTE ON THE APPOINTMENTS: AYES, 3; NOS, 2 (Commissioners Willhoit and <br />Halkiotis) <br />VOTE ON THE REQUEST TO HILLSBOROUGH: AYES, 4; NOS, 1 (Commissioner Halkiotis) <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by <br />Commissioner Halkiotis to appoint the following neighborhood representatives <br />to this Planning Group and to authorize Commissioners Willhoit and Halkiotis <br />to appoint other neighborhood representatives and the At Large members of <br />this Group to provide a balance to the group. <br />Steve Price -Colonial Hills <br />Bobby Nicholson - Joppa Oaks <br />Michael Warner, Trish Rafalow - New Hope/Powder Mill Area <br />