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4 <br />comply with the Federal Statutes, regulations, executive orders, <br />the Special Section 13 (c) Warranty, and all administrative <br />requirements which relate to the applications made to and grants <br />received from the Federal Transit, as well as the provisions of <br />Section 1001 of Title 81, U.S.C. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Chair of the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners is hereby authorized to submit a grant application <br />for funding under Section 18 of the Federal Transit Act of 1991, <br />make the necessary assurances and certifications and be empowered <br />to enter into an agreement with the NCDOT to provide rural public <br />transportation services. <br />G. C.A.T. AGREEMENT ADDENDUM <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign the C.A.T. <br />Agreement Addendum with Orange Enterprises, Inc. to provide a driver for the <br />southern Orange route. <br />H. NAME CHANGE FOR THE ORANGE COUNTY C.A.T. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM <br />The Board approved to change the name and acronym from Coordinated <br />Area Transportation (C.A.T.) to Orange Public Transportation (OPT). <br />I. COMMUNITY-BASED PUBLIC HEALTH INITIATIVE, YEAR THREE GRANT <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign the contract <br />between the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill and the Orange County <br />Health Department to fund year three of the Community-Based Public Health <br />Initiative. <br />J. LEASE RENEWAL - CARRBORO PLAZA DRIVER LICENSE BUREAU <br />This item was removed and considered immediately following the <br />Consent Agenda. <br />R. ENGINEERING CONSULTANT AGREEMENT - WHITTED BUILDING <br />The Board approved an agreement with Gary Merritt, PE in the <br />amount of $4,400 for consulting engineering work associated with the Chiller <br />and Boiler Monitoring Project at the Whitted Building and authorized the <br />Purchasing Director to execute the paperwork necessary to support this <br />agreement. <br />L. PETITION FOR ABANDONMENT OF MAINTENANCE - DUKE FOREST ROAD CHAPEL <br />HILL TOWNSHIP <br />This item was removed from the Consent Agenda and considered <br />immediately following this item. <br />VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA <br />J. LEASE RENEWAL - CARRBORO PLAZA DRIVER LICENSE BUREAU <br />Commissioner Halkiotis mentioned that he has had a request from a <br />business in the northern end of the County to provide this service. The <br />County Manager's staff will investigate and report back to the Board on the <br />possibility of designating a site in northern Orange. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner <br />Willhoit to approve and authorize the Chair to sign the lease renewal for <br />the space used by the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles as a <br />satellite Driver License Bureau. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />