Orange County NC Website
6 <br />John Ringland - Old NC 10 North <br />Gary Hanker - Old NC 10 South <br />Meg McKean, Dan Kenan - Stoney Creek <br />Dan Teichman, David Yelton - Strayhorn Hills <br />Curtis Bane - University Station Road <br />Dean Zehnder, Amy McBride - Wyngate <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Willhoit suggested that Planner Gene Bell convene the <br />work group and that a facilitator with experience working toward a consensus <br />be used. <br />C. CABLEVISION INDUSTRIES COST OF SERVICE RATE APPROVAL <br />After a summary of the proposal, a motion was made by Commissioner <br />Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Crowther to approve the CVI cable TV rates <br />and authorize the Chair to sign the Order Approving the Cost of Service Rate, <br />deleting the fourth WHEREAS, as attached to these minutes on pages <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />NOTE: No public comments had been received by the Cable TV Advisory <br />Committee. <br />D. CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION <br />The Board was requested to consider a grant application to the NC <br />Department of Correction for the development and implementation of the <br />Orange-Chatham Multi-County Criminal Justice Partnership program, subject to <br />the Ratified House Bill 281. Deborah Giles, consultant hired to facilitate <br />the application process, presented an overview of the two programs. The pre- <br />trial release program would expedite the pre-trial release of certain low- <br />moderate risk offenders prior to trial, thereby relieving jail crowding and <br />enhancing the management of that limited resource. The substance abuse <br />program would be comprehensive and designed for persons sentenced to <br />intermediate sanctions. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by <br />Commissioner Crowther to approve and authorize the Chair to sign this grant <br />application for $181,841. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />%. REPORTS <br />A. EMERGENCY FAMILY SHELTER AND SUPPORT TASK FORCE REPORT <br />The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) gave <br />conditional approval in December, 1994, to the Inter-Faith Council grant <br />application for $1,783,162 in Supportive Housing Program funds for Project <br />Home Start Supportive Transitional Housing for Homeless Families and Victims <br />of Domestic Violence. Final notification is expected within a few days. Mr. <br />Chris Moran of the Inter-Faith Council (IFC) explained the project and <br />described the grant received from HUD. One condition is that IFC acquire <br />site control of the necessary acreage within 60 days after final notification <br />is received. Mr. Moran later clarified that it was possible to take a full <br />year, until December 1995, to obtain site control but that the IFC cannot <br />proceed with the project until they acquire such control. From the <br />perspective of getting the project underway as soon as possible, Mr. Moran <br />indicated that the County's property on Homestead Road is the most viable <br />