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<br />Bob Smith, resident of Old 86, said that he wants to be able to <br />sell his land. He wants to find a place to raise his children away from the <br />traffic and congestion. He stated that no one in the seven houses on Old 86 <br />wants to create additional problems for those who live in Cornwallis Hills. <br />He asked to be treated equal. He feels that eventually, DOT will build a 4- <br />lane road in this area. <br />Chair Carey said he is concerned with both sides of the issue. The <br />County Commissioners' responsibility will be to make the best decision for <br />those who live in this area. He hopes the Board can proceed with the area <br />south of Cates Creek and that a compromise can be reached north of Cates <br />Creek. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis agrees with the creation of a new category <br />between Primary and Secondary or expanding the Secondary to provide more <br />options. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br />Crowther to approve the proposed EDD south of Cates Creek, including the <br />extension of public water and sewer within the entirety of the EDD as <br />recommended by the Planning Board. <br />Commissioner Gordon feels that the extension of water and sewer <br />south of I-40 will cause increased development pressures on the rural buffer. <br />Therefore, she does not feel that the area south. of I-40 should be an Economic <br />Development District. <br />VOTE: AYES, 4; NOS., 1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner <br />Willhoit that daycare should be a permitted use in all zones of this EDD. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />With regard to the area north of I-40 along Old 86, Commissioner <br />Gordon suggested approving this area as Secondary now and then referring it <br />back to the Planning Board so they could consider whether it was appropriate <br />to add a new category which allowed other permitted uses in the Cornwallis <br />Hills area. She does not recommend expanding the definition of "Secondary" <br />since it is used appropriately in other sections of the I40/Old 86 EDD. <br />Geof Gledhill said that if a new category is created, a new public <br />hearing will be required. If uses are moved around between Secondary and <br />Primary, a new public hearing will probably not be required. <br />John Link suggested that discussion on the area north of Cates <br />Creek be continued from an "interest" perspective instead of a "position" <br />perspective for both parties. The interest include the intensity of traffic, <br />safety, lighting, density of development, hours of operation, competition in <br />the options and uses of the property located on Old 86. He feels these <br />interest can be addressed through the Secondary, Primary or a new or <br />combination category specific to this area. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner <br />Willhoit to refer back to the Planning Board and Staff the proposed EDD north <br />of Cates Creek to work with the citizens on both sides of the issue and, if <br />necessary, take the results to public hearing on March 29. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />