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2 <br />Commissioner Halkiotis strongly emphasized that the dangerous situation <br />at the Mount Herman Church Road/Highway 70 intersection be brought to the <br />attention of the Department of Transportation. He asked the County Manager <br />to make that contact. Also, he noted that DOT was investigating the New Hope <br />Church Road/NC86 intersection during Christmas vacation instead of during a <br />more normal period of time. <br />IV. COIINTY MANAGER'S REPORT.- NONE <br />V. RESOLUTIONS/PROCLAMATIONS <br />A. ARTSCENTER FONDING RESOLIITION <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by <br />Commissioner Gordon to approve the resolution as stated below: <br />A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE INTENT OF THE COUNTY COMMISSION <br />TO MAKE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS TO THE ARTSCENTER <br />FOR SERVICES RENDERED IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,000 <br />WHEREAS, the County has, every fiscal year since 1991-92, made an <br /> appropriation to the ArtsCenter in return for cultural activities <br /> and other services performed for or offered to Orange County <br /> residents; and <br />WHEREAS, the amount of such annual appropriation has ranged from a low of <br /> $5,000 to a high of $15,000, and <br />WHEREAS, the ArtsCenter now seeks to purchase the leased building where it <br /> currently conducts its programs and activities, and <br />WHEREAS, to assist it in obtaining the financing necessary to acquire this <br /> building, The ArtsCenter has requested the County Commission to <br /> express its current intent to continue to make annual <br /> appropriations to The ArtsCenter in the amount of $15,000 for a <br /> period of ten years. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ORANGE COUNTY RESOLVE: <br /> Section 1. The County Commission hereby expresses its intent that <br /> the County will continue for a period of ten years, beginning with <br /> fiscal year 1994-95, to appropriate to The ArtsCenter, in return <br /> for services rendered, the sum of $15,000. <br /> Section 2. While this resolution expresses the good faith intent <br /> of the current County Commission, The Commission acknowledges that <br /> it cannot bind future County Commission members in the exercise of <br /> their governmental discretion, including discretionary <br /> appropriations. Thus, the Commission recognizes that this <br /> resolution is not intended to and does not constitute a legally <br /> binding commitment on the part of Orange County to appropriate <br /> funds to The ArtsCenter. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />B. RESOLUTIONS OF APPRECIATION FOR SERVING ON THE HUMAN RELATIONS <br />COMMISSION <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner <br />