Orange County NC Website
5 <br />Chair Carey explained that these preservation committees are under the <br />purview of the Planning Department because a lot of the preservation issues <br />have been achieved through Land Use Planning. <br />Commissioner Willhoit feels that preservation can best be handled by the <br />Planning Department. However, after these issues have been integrated into the <br />Land Use Plan, there could be a separate entity to manage and maintain the <br />particular areas involved. <br />Marvin Collins noted that the MPA Program at Carolina is looking for <br />projects and that they could ask this group to look at the possibilities of <br />restructuring. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Willhoit about transferable <br />development rights (TDR), Geoffrey Gledhill said that the Board needs to first <br />get an initiative going with the municipalities on TDR within city limits. <br />Whether or not the County needs enabling legislation is based on purpose. He <br />will report back to the BOCC on what they can and cannot do. Marvin Collins <br />mentioned that he has an MPA student focusing on TDR and has taken Orange <br />County as a case study. He will report to the Board as soon as this study is <br />finished. Also, the Agricultural Advisory Board is putting together a more <br />comprehensive program to offer choices in preserving farmland. One option is <br />the American Farmland Trust. Dolly Hunter will provide information to the BOCC <br />on this program. Commissioner Willhoit feels that TDR has the potential for <br />making a more immediate impact than trying to raise private funds. This topic <br />will be added to the agenda for the next Assembly of Governments meeting. Geof <br />Gledhill will provide information on the farm use tax when property remains a <br />farm after it is sold and consideration of local legislation to subsidize the <br />farm use tax at some amount per acre. <br />COMMUNICATIONS <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested that, for better communication among the <br />Board of Commissioners at meetings, it is important that commissioners be able <br />to see each other, and therefore she suggested the use of a curved table. She <br />also suggested the use of new microphones and a better sound system to improve <br />communication between the Board and the public during County Commissioner <br />meetings. Commissioner Halkiotis stressed that the microphone system be simple <br />to operate. <br />LUNCH <br />PUBLIC INFORMATION/PUBLIC RELATIONS <br />Commissioner Gordon would like a plan for handling controversial and/or <br />complicated items so that citizens get the correct information. She wants the <br />commissioners to have a news release for such items and suggested that these <br />news releases could be approved at the same time the commissioners approve the <br />public hearing notice for these items. <br />With respect to development projects, Commissioner Willhoit would like <br />citizens to be notified when something first appears like at the concept plan <br />phase before the developer has put a lot of money into the project. He feels <br />that having staff involved in neighborhood meetings is good but that the County <br />Commissioners need to be more proactive in going out to the area involved. <br />