Orange County NC Website
9 <br />Commissioner Insko to approve the request of the Orange County Animal <br />Protection Society (APS) to appoint a County Animal Cruelty Investigator <br />under North Carolina G.S. 19A with the understanding that as an appointee <br />of the County, this investigator will follow the cruelty investigator <br />protocol, as agreed to by the County and APS, and will be subject to County <br />review as is customary for any County appointed representative. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />B. SEWER EASEMENT AGREEMENT WITH HILLSBOROUGH <br />This item was postponed. <br />C. PINEY MOUNTAIN GRANT FUNDING PROPOSAL <br />This item was postponed. <br />D. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE - JUSTICE FACILITY STUDY GROIIP <br />This item was postponed. <br />X. REPORTS <br />A. CHAPEL HILL/CARRBORO SCHOOL DISTRICT REPORT <br />PLANS FOR NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL <br />Neil Pedersen, Superintendent, made some supporting comments for <br />a new elementary school. The architect summarized the design and layout of <br />the elementary school. This is included in the agenda. <br />THE BOARD EXTENDED THE MEETING 15 MINUTES BEYOND THE 10:30 ADJOURNMENT TIME <br />Chair Carey asked for figures from both systems for energy <br />consumption. John Link will provide these figures. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis expressed a concern about the cost for <br />specific items as presented in the agenda. In answer to specific <br />questions, Neil Pedersen said that the contingency for the McDougle School. <br />was used for site preparation and technology. Commissioner Halkiotis did <br />not agree with these items coming from contingency. He emphasized that a <br />lot of schools have been built for a lot less with a lot less traditional <br />designs that are energy efficient. He asked for reports on energy <br />consumption from. both schools. He has a problem with $500,000 in <br />contingency, movable equipment and fixed equipment. He feels it important <br />to be accountable to the citizens. <br />In answer to a question from Chair Carey about site development, <br />Neil Pedersen said that although a lot has been spent on site development, <br />there will be a lot of infrastructure that will need to be extended for <br />this new school. <br />Chair Carey stated that discussion on this item will be <br />continued at the next meeting. <br />B. REPORT ON APPLICATION OF STREAM HIIFFER REQUIREMENTS ON EXISTING <br />OTS <br />This report was given on page one of these minutes. <br />